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Former advisor to Obama on Foreign Policy Stuard Seldowitz harassing a random cart owner

submitted by mxcviel to JewCrime 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 13:20:38 ago (+5/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Stuard Seldowitz, former advisor to Obama on Foreign Policy, and Deputy Director of the Office of Israel and Palestinian affairs for 4 years between 1999 and 2003, harassed a random cart owner over the Palestinian Issue and his religion.

Seen on Egyptian channel, they say: "Besides being a terrible human being, I would like to inform Mr.Stuart that the Egyptian Intelligence do not take fingernails off of people anymore, this is so old school, we instead waterboard them or just hang them from rods for days on end while rotating like a Rotisserie chicken, or my favorite, keep them for years in end in isolation, what do you think we are, savages?"


2 comments block

He's been arrested for hate speech. Lulz. jew laws coming back to bite jew ass.