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Canadian government invites Ukrainian WW2 soldier to parliament because he fought against Russia. Then they gave the Nazi SS officer a standing ovation because politicians were too stupid to remember that in WW2 the Nazis fought the Russians, not the Allies.

submitted by Not_C to FeelsGood 8 monthsSep 25, 2023 01:55:19 ago (+23/-0)     (FeelsGood)

All of the politicians are trying to push blame onto one another. While avoiding the fact that they were all too stupid to know who fought against Russia in WW2.

Here's a random link if you don't believe me. - https://archive.ph/DOO2c

I'm happy that SS officer Yaroslav Hunka finally got some recognition for his service.

19 comments block

Native 0 points 6 months ago

Britain was planning on bombing Russia before the German offensive.

The whole war was fake and gay I get it. But Stalin was an evil genius of Superman Lex Lysor status.