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RCMP chase & flip over a farm tractor on the highway in B.C.

submitted by Rotteuxx to whatever 6 monthsNov 26, 2023 09:58:05 ago (+40/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


28 comments block

So the farmer is running from the police his taxes pay for and who are controlled by the government he likely voted for all his life - until they came for him. And then he finally realized he was wrong his entire life and his poor judgment just ruined his lively hood.
Hahahahaha! Asshole.

Canadians enjoying the government they deserve.
Vote for socialists for decades, get socialist results if you refuse to comply.
I have no sympathy for the Canadians in which the government they chose is cracking down on them with a boot to the neck.
Maybe agreeing to be disarmed wasn’t such a good idea, eh?

Just wait until the migrant soldiers of Allah start with the Canadian schoolgirls.
Maybe they should take in a few hundred thousand “Palestinian” (aka Jordanians) refugees as their beloved Prime minister is demanding.

I’m sick of y’all coming down to Florida and ripping DeSantis for “banning books” , being anti womens rights for limiting abortions (yet anti banning of men with testicles playing in womens sports), being anti science for bannng child sterilization, telling me I need to be wearing a mask, we are anti immigrant for deporting the feral rats to NYC….