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Well, I hurt my back something awful

submitted by soupnazi to oldgoats 6 monthsDec 1, 2023 13:43:49 ago (+19/-0)     (oldgoats)

It's pretty sad really. I work a physical job and I've been working on my car. Did any of that break my back? No. What broke my bad was laying on a pillow weird. It's like properly fucked up. I did fine at work yesterday. The real issue is sleeping. Every position feels like I'm properly fucking it up further. I know the spine is no joke. Once I get into a position that is semi comfortable it's impossible to get out of without it feeling like I'm ripping my spine in two which means once I'm in bed I'm basically stuck and have to make multiple attempts trying to figure out how to transition out. If this persists one of these days I'm just going to ignore the pain, which I could do, and end up paralyzing myself. My assumption is things hurt for a reason, so I'm kind of letting the pain win hoping it gets better. But if I get sick of this shit I'm going to stop doing that.

45 comments block

I was suicidal from sciatica pain til I had 3 electro-acupuncture treatments. 10 years ago, never bothered me again.