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The TV mini series The Holocaust which aired in the 1970s starring Meryl Streep and James woods and literally began the myth of the Holocaust in American culture

submitted by Crackinjokes to History 6 monthsDec 5, 2023 08:34:12 ago (+45/-0)     (youtu.be)


I was alive then and it's important to realize that there was no story of the Holocaust and there was no talk about how Germany had intentionally tried to kill 6 million Jews after the war during the war before the war or prior to this fictional TV series which aired 30 years after the end of WW2.

My father was in World War II and there was no animosity toward Germans as evil people. All there was was a feeling that two different economic plans had gone to war and hours won and Europeans that fought each other and the losers suffered greatly as people doing war.

There was no talk about the Jews.

the war wasn't about the Jews. there was no use of the word holocaust to describe some horrible thing that happened to the Jews.

that is a complete creation of this fictional TV miniseries which aired in the 1970s.

There was no discussion of mass murderer of jews.

None of that had been written about by Churchill or Eisenhower or anybody who was there in their books which were extensive documentation of the history of that. And none of them talked about Hitler trying to kill all the Jews because it didn't happen.

But this TV mini series named Holocaust appropriated a word that meant a really bad forest fire basically and associated it of course with the killing of Jews to make that even more martyr like and more sacrificial and more of a burnt offering type thing which Jews always go for. Because that's what Jews actually do. So they love to think of themselves as the sacrifice the offering and how they are abused by other people.

Anyway this guy is apparently posted five DVDs which apparently are the whole miniseries and I don't remember if I saw the whole thing when I was very young and this was on TV but I do know that it showed a naked woman on TV for the first time which got a whole lot of people to watch it which Jews do. Jews sell you ideas through their porn.

Anyway for those of you who are too young to realize that the Holocaust was not a subject of conversation and did not exist after World War II and didn't even come into any kind of lexicon until the 1970s.

you can see this scripted Jewish nonsense fictional story about this Weiss family that never happened that's all bullshit and you can see the origin and you can tell people know the Holocaust is a myth and it was a TV show in the 1970s that started the myth.

Oh and now you know why Jewish Hollywood loves Meryl Streep so much. She was the blonde girl they all wish they were and she portrayed the poor Jew in the seminal TV series which created the biggest PR campaign in the most successful PR campaign that any group of people ever produced in the whole world. And that is why ever since she appeared in this TV miniseries she has been lauded by Hollywood as the greatest actress that ever existed. So now you know why they love Meryl Streep so much. The one thing I do find interesting is that James woods was in this especially given his sort of current political bent although he of course does still bend the need to the Jews as he has on Twitter recently.

30 comments block

You have to understand that then there were only three networks and people believed everything television told them because they hadn't really experienced the truth of it lying to them before. And the emotional techniques that were used in this movie we're new to the public and there were many atrocious things that were seen on TV for the first time as well as full nudity of women was shown in this for the full time first time on network tv. So it affected people much more than it might affect them today. People were not as jaded then. And it was at a period of time that was far enough away from World War II that those who fought it were busy at work leaving a fresh new mindset of people who just had color TVs for 10 years imagine that they had just had colored TVs for only 10 years to have this spoon fed as their reality because they themselves did not experience World War ii. This didn't change my father's mind and I didn't discuss it with him much but my father lived World War II and so did my mother and they were alive and knew the political but debates before it started and they knew Roosevelt promise not to get us in the war but then immediately did. My dad was a big Eisenhower supporter. So no it didn't change the minds of the people who were in World War II but it indoctrinated the next generation with this myth and it became the foundation on which they have built with more and more movies that pushed it even further to the point of ridiculousness so that now the current younger generation has this complete false belief that they view as rock solid truth. I mean don't forget that after this came to even more propaganda and emotionally wrenching movie called Schindler's list.

And then for the next generation came the even more ridiculous movie but yet believe it or not is taken as 90% Truth by the people the youth that watched it the Brad Pitt movie Inglourious Basterds going after the germans. I mean by that time it had almost become cartoonish but it was believed to be real and it is believed to be real by most people under 30 and under 20.

And you may not know this but remember prior to this for the previous 10 years a top TV show was one called Hogan's heroes or they never villainized the germans. They were made comic relief. Do you think the Jews and there was actually somebody who had been in the POW camps it was Jewish and tattooed who was a star of the TV show Hogan's heroes do you think for one minute if all of this horrible Holocaust stuff had truly happened that all the Jews that participated in producing and acting in and writing Hogan's heroes would have written Germans as comic buffoons? If any of the Holocaust stuff had been true? Of course they wouldn't. But it wasn't true and so the worst they could do to the Germans was create a myth that they were comic buffoons. But of course they weren't, buffones. They were some of the smartest people on Earth and there are scientists ended up getting us to the moon like Warner von Braun and contributing all kinds of great science to the united states. In fact to be truthful the United States didn't get to the Moon it was Germany and the German scientist who got to the moon. We just paid for it.