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Senator Thom Tillis is very disturbed by antisemitism.

submitted by Laputois to Zogbots 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 16:00:10 ago (+4/-0)     (Zogbots)


It was a shameful display when the presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT refused to condemn hatred against Jews at a House hearing this week.

When asked the simple question of whether they would discipline a student who calls for genocide against Jews or any other group of people, the presidents all evaded the question and refused to answer. It has rightfully sparked bipartisan outrage.

Watch it for yourself if you haven't already.

The rise of antisemitism is a major problem in our country. We've even seen pro-Hamas protests across North Carolina, including our college campuses, and even outside my offices in Raleigh and Charlotte , where demonstrators accused me of supporting "genocide" simply because I support Israel's right to exist.

We must take action.

That's why I've formally urged the Biden Administration to take concrete steps to ensure a safe learning environment for all Jewish students.

I've also introduced the bipartisan Deterrent Act, which will require our universities and colleges to disclose their foreign contributions, so we can see if foreign countries are pushing propaganda and influencing student beliefs and behavior like supporting antisemitism and opposition to Israel's right to exist. This transparency is long overdue. Fortunately, this bipartisan legislation passed the House this week, and I am pushing to get it passed in the Senate so it can be signed into law soon.

I will continue to call out antisemitism regardless of whether it's coming from members of Congress like Rashida Tlaib or being enabled by college presidents because they lack the courage to call out extremists.

We can never allow radical voices and Hamas sympathizers to normalize antisemitism in America.

Thom Tillis

2 comments block

Wonder if Thom is getting any so called foreign contributions.