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Dick Gregory Raises a Negrocentric, Yet Still Interesting Point About Schools

submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Homeschooling 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 01:55:37 ago (+5/-0)     (youtube.com)


He knows that 90% of Black kids do not have the self-discipline to sit in class quietly and constructively, but he is correct about private schools for the upper-middle class and the wealthy operating much differently from our middle class and inner city goyslop academies. Many are operated in a Montessori-type fashion that is less-regimented and more exploratory (also more faggoty) in nature. Homeschooling is obviously best with book learning limited to like a couple 90 minute sessions with multiple recesses for outdoor activities, art, music, home economics and shop.

4 comments block

I see, thanks. I'm glad we both see him the same way.