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Here's an interesting hole in the map.

submitted by Sector2 to Censorship 5 monthsDec 27, 2023 17:59:48 ago (+6/-1)     (Censorship)

In a hedgerow a mile north of Novomykhailivka, currently being squeezed by the Russians from the south and east, and 500 feet west of the Ukrainian stronghold (trenches and fortifications) to the north; An irregularly shaped hole roughly 35'x 40' has been snipped out of the map.

Here on the google: https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B052'41.5%22N+37%C2%B030'02.7%22E/@47.8781944,37.50008,202m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d47.8781944!4d37.50075!5m2!1e2!1e4?entry=ttu


This map shows the front lines, and the 'grey/contested' zone between them. Left is Ukrainian held. Right and red tinted is Russian held. Arrows denote recent attacks.


Follow the main road north out of Novomykhailivka, past the large ruined farm complex, and the map hole in question is just to the left in the treeline past the large golden-tan field.

No video of the treeline, but here's a video of Novomykhailivka itself a couple days ago, looking east across town. The fortification and map hole are 1.5 miles to the right of this perspective


So that's it. An odd removal of something in a treeline next to a frontline Ukrainian stronghold.

9 comments block

That's exactly what Russia is doing. The long game. They're letting ukraine/US run out of ammo and weapons. It worked! America will sit on their asses until there's no power, food and water.