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heyjames the kike seething yet again

submitted by AryanPrime to Jew 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 15:20:21 ago (+3/-3)     (Jew)

From: HeyJames
Sent: 09/23/2023 09:00:29

Hey faggot fuck want to meet up? I'll pay your greyhound bus ticket. You'll be put up in motel 6. You'll sign a contract agreeing to mutual combat and releasing liability. After that point the ass beating you get will be legal.

Let me know tough guy. You keep messaging me with threats so let's get this shitn going! Let's back this tough talk up motherfucker! Keep talking on the internet bitch

See how nasty the kike gets when you out it lmfao...I do this all the time I get these messages from him all the time, he plays at being nicer in the public forum but sends you private shit like this, just another larping kike who should be shot on sight.

"you'll be signing a contract because I said so"

You couldn't be more of a kike then this post here james.

46 comments block

...How on earth did you find this thread?
Also left click or whatever is equivalent on your shitbox / alien hardware.