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I "rescued" a damsel in distress today. A female MTB rider who got separated from dad and the kids...

submitted by paul_neri to TraditionalMen 4 monthsJan 6, 2024 05:15:49 ago (+3/-6)     (www.singletracks.com)


I was out in the forest (Stromlo Mountain ACT) and I noticed this MTB rider walking a bike down the side of a road at the edge of the forest where a rider wouldn't normally go (dangerous) and I thought "that's odd" but then the rider saw me and yelled and shouted and it was a rather attractive woman and I thought: "at last!Love on the bike trail". But what happened was that dad and the boys shot off and she got left behind and got lost. It was very funny and such a typical thing for an over-excited dad to do with a few boys champing at the bit. Anyway she borrowed my 'phone and rang hubby and left him a rather terse message. So I left the poor girl in the middle of nowhere. I'm wondering how long it was before the men realised mum wasn't with them?

"Where's mum?
"She was behind you"
"How long ago was that?"
"About an hour!"
"Oh Christ!".

13 comments block

Well, that's good, I'm relieved. I give you a lot of shit, but I find domestic violence to be abhorrent and intolerable.