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For the most part the people on this website are not followers. They're independent thinkers and as far as I can tell have a higher than average iq. So the question is what can we do with this great group of people other than do verbal masturbation?

submitted by Crackinjokes to Discussion 4 monthsJan 16, 2024 09:08:13 ago (+25/-1)     (Discussion)

I'm totally serious. This is a group of independent thinkers that can see more deeply than the average idiot person. I mean I've just come to realize that most people in America are not like us and actually can't think for themselves or see things beyond the most superficial level and I keep waiting for them to just be educated or to be exposed to the knowledge and to change and they're not going to because if they don't have the IQ or some other personality trait that lets them see truths and see beyond the superficial.

So what that means is this is a highly select group of people at this website. And I don't think we're going to beat the system and I don't think we're going to ever figure out a way to boost the IQ of the average American so we're doomed to live within this social establishment

So the question is how can we use our unique talents and smarts and IQ and ability to see basically a little bit of the future and beyond The superficial to get a true understanding of things to actually create a space in this society and I don't mean in a physical location I'm not talking about starting some group of you know people living on a farm but create a virtual corporation or similar thing to get something done and make a ton of money and actually learn to succeed in this social construct that we live in so that at least we can guarantee for ourselves our own survival and our children survival. After all money cares most things in this society.

You know whether you like Elon Musk or not one thing he's been the best at is gathering groups of people who are highly intelligent and incentivizing them to work toward goals to make dramatic progress where other people have not. And what I'm wondering is if we have a similar group here and if we just focused our effort somehow whether or not we could create an organization that could be very successful.

No I don't think you can go out and do it through a regular corporation or something like that but I do wonder if possibly we couldn't create a virtual corporation on the ethereum blockchain that we would be rewarded for if we created some concept of value and we could cooperate with each other in that way to build

Now that's just a suggestion because if you know anything about corporations you can be shut down the government can come after you if you try to build some Nirvana on some piece of land somewhere you're going to be targeted by everybody and they'll come after you and I don't want to live next to you f**** anyway.

But doing things on the blockchain is the one thing that it's very difficult for people to stop. You can set up a program on the ethereum blockchain that is self running and any group that contributes to it can derive benefit from it. And I don't know exactly how to do that and I'm just throwing out ideas here but we can sit and b
and moan all we want but it's quite obvious that you know we're not going to change much and maybe if we wait 10 years then the masses will grow angry enough that we can actually you know get a large National socialist type movement in the United States that would actually eject the problem people and we can have a good society again but personally I'm not for waiting around and betting on that to happen.

So I don't know if anybody else has ideas along these lines but I thought I'd throw it out there because once again of course the elections not going to do anything Trump's going to get in there and he's the new Jewish candidate that's the alternative to the Biden Jewish candidacy and he's going to be pro Israel he's going to want all the trannies to have their operations and he's going to forgive all the illegal aliens as his son-in-law Jared works for Israel to more forcefully establish the Jewish Supremacy world order.

So maybe we can do something to carve out our own little virtual Niche where are we somehow have some virtual ownership of some virtual organization that cooperatively makes money and that has more of an advantage than establishing a little company on our own and allows us to be a little more passive but derive the great benefit from the very high IQs that are on this website.

The simplest of ideas is to form some ethereum side chain that sells things or promotes things and we create a Amazon like referral service so anybody who knows about it which would be primarily people like Us on this website and who promoted and sell it get a percentage of the increase in the value. I mean Amazon did their referral program for years so I don't know if there is a virtual thing we could do. I mean people seem to love this stupid fake artwork that they sell on block chains and it's not for us to judge whether it's stupid or not we're not going to buy it but certainly other people seem to love to buy little images of apes dressed up as stupid characters and they pay a lot of money for them and people are making money selling it to him and hell if they want to buy it maybe we should sell it. Maybe we should set up some virtual artwork little thing on the ethereum blockchain and all of us go out there and promote it and we each get our own little ethereum blockchain identification number so we can be traced so well that's the wrong way to phrase that so that our efforts to promote this can be identified by the automatic blockchain program and instantly reward us with a percentage of the sales based on our ability to promote it. I mean something like that could definitely work. In fact pushing a virtual product would be good. You know somebody wants told me that it only takes about 10 people working together in a quick succession to promote an ID on the internet and make it go viral. The key is they all have to work together at the same moment so the algorithms pick it up and it sees it as a surge and then it presents it to other people and then other people see it in a certain percentage of them you know retweet it or whatever and then the algorithms pick it up and but the key is the 10 people have to work together at the same instant to promote it. They can't come in an hour later over a slow period of time because the algorithm says oh this has no traction. So maybe if we came up with some AI generated stupid cartoons to put on the blockchain like all these people selling this minted art as they call it or doing and we had our own little group of minted art and we would make that minted art as appealing to the vast majority of people as we could. Don't go out there and create some fantasy Nazi art that only your Nazi friends are going to buy. This is to make money. This is not to promote your Nazi fantasy or whatever. As right or wrong or whatever the hell it is is that maybe. This is to sell stuff to the masses and the masses like stupid innocuous s
. So you know maybe coming up with some art so maybe if we set up a system where if a person contributed a piece of art and then all the other f*** out there promoted it and that particular art was the best selling art than the person who created that piece of art would get more of a percentage of the profits then they would if they didn't. If then if they created some bad piece of art. And you might ask yourself well if the person is good about creating a piece of art then they would go out and do it on their own and f* the rest of us. But actually you need a mass of people to promote things and that's why it's important to work as a group again the algorithms need a mass of people to see something and like it so if a bunch of people came together and promoted this new line of artwork that was created in one person among Us created the best selling piece well then that person deserves to get more money and all of us are going to benefit by their work and that person is going to benefit by all of us promoting it even though we don't know whether his art or the other one is going to be better. Anyway I think this really has some potential and like-minded people need to work together. And if you're too stupid to understand what this is then I don't know how you're even on this website and please stay away and cuz we don't need any more low IQ individuals mucking up the

But if you do understand how this might be beneficial to all of us and how it might help us carve out a little niche and create a better system of survival for all of us and what is going to be a hellish society in the future barring some miracle well then maybe you might want to contribute your ideas to this. And if any of you have any ideas about a program the ethereum blockchain to create an art Network that we could either create artwork for or use to promote our work chat line then please step forward. I know we can use these AI artwork platforms to create a lot of kind of art and man you know maybe puppies is the thing to promote or maybe cats artwork is the thing to promote or maybe steamboat Willie variations are the thing to promote but just don't follow into your fantasy and think that if you create some Nazi steamboat Willie image that all the other Jew haters in the world are going to rush to buy your artwork cuz that's not going to sell to the masses and we want to sell to the masses. We want to sell to the people who buy Tootsie rolls not the people who have good sense and don't want to eat sugar.

So if you have some ideas along these lines please step forward. But I do think we are a unique group here of high IQ individuals and if we work together and we created some virtual platform and some virtual art or and I just say virtual art maybe there's a better idea maybe virtual music or maybe a virtual avatar. There are a lot of people making a lot of money creating these fake arai women influencers and putting them up and maybe that's the idea maybe we create a couple of fake AI beautiful women influencers and we put them on Twitter and we all agree to promote them and we try to get them past the point of zeitgeist so they become huge money makers and we participate because of all the profits on that Twitter Avatar going to our ethereum blockchain and we're all you know participants in that particular ethereum blockchain and that's how we make money. I don't know I'm open to other ideas but a virtual AI influencer a art that people seem to like to buy maybe AI music I don't know what else we could do but those are some ideas

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Everyone who has tried this has failed. People here stick apart.