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FAA’s now focusing on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities, for diversity.

submitted by allAheadFull to Weimerica 4 monthsJan 14, 2024 20:05:02 ago (+30/-1)     (archive.is)


You thought airplanes were getting dangerous before. Planes falling out of the air anyway, might as well let troons and schizos fly.

Alaskan Airlines already went full fucking retard. https://files.catbox.moe/2tj6po.mp4

jews did this.

34 comments block

Is it something you can farm out, like contracting? The work will change but eventually you can sit back a bit or work on something else.

Eh... Not really. Most appraisers who are self-employed, which is most appraisers, do it all. Business side, reporting side, inspections, comp driving and pics, it's all you!

Sure, you can hire someone to fill out the assignment bit, or drive for comp pictures, but at the end of the day it's your name that goes on that report and if anything is wrong it's your license getting burned in front of you.

I have had the idea of forming a local AMC (Appraisal Management Company) though. A lot of appraisers don't like AMC's for one reason or another. Forming one that is local and gives a better deal to the appraiser which also handles the business side of things and gives benefits like health insurance and whatnot, I could see it working out. Y'all do the reporting, I'll handle acquiring work and doing the front end stuff.

It's just figuring out if that would be enticing enough for appraisers and if it would be profitable enough for me. The idea is to eventually be statewide and every appraiser signed up under me basically gets to work from home but also avoid self-employment tax and have benefits.

Idk. It's in the very very very early "idea on how to at least become somewhat wealthy before I fucking die" phase.

Normally though? It's all on you. You don't relax.


There is a new universal form type coming out for URAR which I am realllly excited about. Flows better, looks cleaner, and it will actually adapt to what you put in as you go. No need to worry about picking the right form, it'll basically become the right form right in front of you. Really cool stuff.