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Story time: I got a talking to by HR a few years back at a job

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to FeminismIsCancer 4 monthsJan 18, 2024 12:27:38 ago (+33/-0)     (FeminismIsCancer)

So I'm at the end of my shift and some guy I've never seen comes up to me while I'm working, and introduces himself "Hi I'm Mike from human resources, are you Anon?"


"how are you doing?" He says a few more nothings while I'm working, and I'm running out of responses and starting to wonder what he wants and why he's talking to me. This stranger, Mike, then asks me "so, are you having any issues on the job?"

I went into the many OSHA violations all over the place that I reported many times and showed him something I was working on that was so blatantly a safety violation. I thought this is what he was asking about.

He responds with "Do you have any girlfriend problems?"


"Tell me about that girl from yesterday"

"Who?" (we don't work with any women, and the one that he could be talking about isn't normally around and wasn't there yesterday, and i never mentioned a girlfriend past, present or future to anyone ever)

"That legal assistant"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Mike. You're going to have to just say what you're talking about because I can't connect the dots here"

"James showed you a picture of his ex girl friend yesterday and he told you she was a lawyer"

"I thought you said legal assistant"

"Well she is a legal assistant but he told you she was a lawyer"

"...... wait, what's the problem here?"

At this point I'm recalling this faggot from lunch the previous day forcing me to look at a social media picture on his phone and hear this story about how his ex gf was a lawyer. the picture was her in a dance club holding up alcoholic beverages with her friends. it wasn't classy in any capacity - it looked like the typical "i'm doing socially inappropriate things while some guy is paying for it. but i have a career and i'm successful". He shows me the picture and I can tell he's trying to force a conversation about dumb shit that I don't care about, like he has done many times in the past, so I said "nice" or something like that and went back to doing what I was doing on my phone.

I shit you not, these were the next words out of his mouth:
"He showed you a picture of her and you didn't compliment her"

"are you kidding me? you're talking to me about saying insufficiently positive things about a woman when someone solicites me for a compliment?"

"just watch what you say ok?"

"no. i will continue to do everything as I'm doing, and you're just going to have to fire me if you don't like it. That is total nonsense" and I walked away from him, and he left back to wherever he came from.

they fired me months down the line for "not being a cultural fit", but they never cited that in particular. I never gave any ground on any of that political stuff and I straight up told my boss that we need to have a talk about his repeated ignorance of workplace violations and non-merit based promotions that he's giving to suck ups, and that my good work will not be used as the foundation to hold up people he's trying to promote. I slowed down all of my work and threw wrenches in the system as soon as that non-merit based promoting started. I've seen that so many times. Never needed that job anyway. lololololol

45 comments block

Your reading skills are of poor quality. You did not what I wrote properly, and you just filled in the large gaps with strange thoughts that you have about the world.

what is your position in life that you have these thoughts?

I'm not a wagie because I need my job. It's so I'm not bored, which i plainly stated explicitly in the OP. Everything else in your post is you swirling around the same idea, and it doesn't even make sense in the context of the story or my life....

shoot man, do you need someone to spoon feed you?