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lawnmower talk with dass (rugged types only need apply)

submitted by paul_neri to Homesteading 4 monthsJan 17, 2024 00:51:30 ago (+3/-3)     (i.ibb.co)



Hi @dassar

You were inquiring about my lawnmowers. Dude I have three. A small cord one; a small battery one and a monster battery one (see pic). The mower in the pic is the fearsome Victa 82V. Identical I think to the yank Snapper.

I've had a few dud 2 ah batteries with the Victa but the current battery is a 4 ah and I've had good value with it. But, dass,it would have been a better buy to get the Stihl RMA 510 battery op mower because [to be cont'd][Missus is yakking]

Sorry, dass. When the missus is in full flight she wants my undivided attention.Also since we were last chatting I've driven 4 hours from the Coast to Australia's capital. Anyway...I think the Stihl RMA 510 would have been the better mower to buy because its batteries are probably better. My reason for saying this is the reviews of the Stihl seem pretty good and don't mention battery issues and the two batteries I use in my baby stihl lawnmower (RMA 235) still work fine after a few years. I was going to buy the stihl but at the last moment switched to the Victa. The Victa 82v is now a discontinued line and when my Victa battery dies I'll get the Stihl 510 like I should have.

If you liked that, dass, please click the like button and subscribe to my channel. Thanks.

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