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The Bear (Hulu) Is a Horrible Show.

submitted by Scyber to tv 4 monthsJan 20, 2024 16:32:21 ago (+15/-2)     (tv)

I wanted to see what the hype was about this show and watched a few episodes from the 1st season.
Not even 5 minutes into the very first episode there's a shit ton of ugly niggers and mutts.

Terrible writing, all the cooks call each other Chef (Yes chef, right away chef) and the 2 main "white guys" (who are actually jews IRL) call each other Cousin - they don't even use their names, just say "Cousin, come here I need help, Cousin, stop fuckin around..."

So much overacting, yelling & screaming, being unnecessarily rude to each other, making unnecessary menu items for a beef sandwich shop (cakes, donuts and spaghetti - WTF). Whole show is a complete mess that makes zero fucking sense.

Don't waste your time especially when there's more nigger cast members than anything else.
Can't believe I wasted 90mins trying to give this show a chance. Should've noped out as soon as all the niggers started getting more screentime.

27 comments block

True Detective Season 2 is highly underrated. Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn characters are good examples of men beaten down by life and still not giving up. Both go out as badasses. Even the chick in it has got some serious guts, not the bullshit muh stronk wahmen bullshit women repeat over and over to fell better about themselves.

Also says a lot about corruption in this shit society. That is based on a real town in CA.