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Here I am, doing the Whitest thing ever, making my mortgage payments (3), I know, “you’re such a fag, paying interest to the jewish bankers”, and all, but here this, I’m one year into a seven year plan of paying this shit off, saving me $749,000 in interest

submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 3 monthsFeb 7, 2024 01:32:33 ago (+32/-0)     (whatever)

So, here I am writing out these checks, yes I do it the old boomer way, whatever. And in these three envelopes I open from the mortgage company are all these inserts with nigger faces on them. My fucking mortgage lender sends nigger riddled advertising inside my statements. Fuck. You literally cannot escape the nigger propaganda.
I presented this fact to Mrs. Icemonkey and she said, “all the more reason to pay it off faster”.
That’s Muh girl!❤️

39 comments block

"whitest thing ever" "paying debt" nigger that is the most shabbos goy thing ever. praticipating in usury is a kiked behaviour