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No amount of reform will subdue the evil that is the Fed. Instead we need the total separation of money and state.

submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 3 monthsFeb 5, 2024 15:33:34 ago (+13/-0)     (www.reddit.com)


"The government" is printing money out of thin Air. Actually it's the banks. The Fed is private. The government gets that money via loans. We owe it back. And because our government spends so much, if it wants to remain in operation it has to do so at the permission of the banks. So no wonder it does their bidding, and fights wars abroad to maintain and propagate that system.

6 comments block

ANOTHER impractical, fantastical idea that you won't do a single digging taking to implement

America has been like this for decades. Never putting shit into practice, just moon shot after moon shot without 1 success and you keep going