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If Christians worship Christ, Buddhists worship Buddha, does judaism worship... jews?

submitted by allAheadFull to ShowerThoughts 3 monthsFeb 22, 2024 17:57:38 ago (+7/-0)     (ShowerThoughts)

What other group of people named their religion after themselves instead of their god or instead of using a third term?

If you've read and watched what jews have said over the years you may have put the big picture together. These people think that they are god incarnate. They believe that god split his consciousness and that his life force makes them more than human and gives them the ability to "control the minds of the goyim". I'm not sure they're wrong, it's just their god is Moloch. It's the reason they're fighting for power over each other now, because they believe that 6 million of them really have to die so that there will be enough "energy" in the sacrifice for their god to re-incarnate and have dominion over the Earth. The remaining jews will serve by Satan's side. This is the real meaning of their "tikkun olam" concept.

27 comments block

No worries, bud :)

I meant to thank you for your reply as well.