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Antarctica Disclosure [1:07:02] - Robert Sepehr

submitted by Love240 to Esoteric 3 monthsFeb 26, 2024 23:59:56 ago (+4/-2)     (www.youtube.com)


Antarctica is the site of the South Pole and the southernmost continent of the planet governed under a series of recognized guidelines and agreements called the Antarctic Treaty System. New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) was a territorial claim made by Germany in the late 1930's. About 40% larger than Europe and virtually (allegedly) uninhabited, Antarctica continues to be a topic of great mystery and ongoing controversy. This presentation attempts to analyze and disclose still classified events pertaining to the region and how they may still be covertly influencing humanity today.

29 comments block

Exactly. Stars don't lie. Show no parallax in a relative positions to each other. 100% proof that all the stars exist at the same exact depth.