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British MP Andrew Bridgen has called for possible death penalty for Bill Gates and crimes against humanity in open parliament. Meanwhile his wife left him when he started telling the truth about the vaccines.

submitted by Crackinjokes to BlackPilled 2 monthsMar 17, 2024 11:54:54 ago (+30/-0)     (www.maravipost.com)


Finally someone is coming out and raising the question.

More reports on this it's being covered pretty widely if you just put in his name Andrew bridgen and Bill Gates together

Also brought up the separate story about how his wife left him when he began speaking out against the vaccine. Which just goes to show you women only will stick with you as long as they think you give them social advantage. If they think you've gone against giving them a social advantage they're out of there.

Anyway apparently said this an open Parliament a week ago and I can't find any videos of it. The only video on YouTube of it has absolutely no sound which I do not think is a coincidence. I'll bet they're pulling down every other video it actually has him speaking. Can anyone find a copy of him speaking in Parliament about this with sound?

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