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Credit Agencies are raising everyone's credit ratings to change people's behavior. Do not be fooled. You're not "doing well" because your (((credit score))) is high.

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to PublicServiceAnnouncement 2 monthsMar 21, 2024 11:54:02 ago (+6/-0)     (PublicServiceAnnouncement)

I'm not sure what the trick is here, but I am hearing my financially retarded friends that now have 700 some credit scores talk about getting a mortgage on a house (you did not "buy" a house if you got a mortgage on it, and it is not honorable to have a mortgage (faggots)).

These aforementioned financially retarded friends with 700 some credit scores have no reason to believe they're doing well financially since they've never had a loan, never had a bank account, never had a credit card, never had a steady job and many of them only recently got their driver's license. I don't care to here nasty thoughts about these people, I'm only trying to make the case that there is no reason they'd have a high credit score.

How has your credit score magically rising changed your behavior, and what makes you think you earned it?

12 comments block

how can you pay for a car with a credit card?