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What is kosher mixed nuts?

submitted by 2Drunk to AskGoats 2 monthsMar 23, 2024 22:05:27 ago (+5/-0)     (AskGoats)

I know kosher meats means a rabbi certifies the animal died is the most painful way possible

Kosher mixed nuts means the illegals picking those nuts are treated in the most inhumane way possible? Do jews sacrifice children during the nut harvesting ritual?

8 comments block

Who the fuck knows?
Read Deuteronomy and Numbers and Leveticus.
That's where all the bullshit rules come from.
Of course, no Christ-Cuck ever reads Deuteronomy and Numbers and Leviticus because...
1. The commandments of a Jewish-God are neurotically Jewish.
2. If the dumb fucks ever read these books, they would have to admit they are worshipping a Jew.

And that's why there are kosher nuts.
Because none of you dumb fucks have the balls to curb stomp baby jews.