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This is the kind of pussy-footing we have to overcome if our descendants are going to have a strong country. Vid about 9 mins. long

submitted by JamesMadison to AllPhilosophy 1 monthApr 6, 2024 12:55:10 ago (+0/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


You don't have to watch it all. About a minute of it might be all you can stomach.

Jackson, MS. Capital of Mississippi. Chock fucking full of useless shaved apes. These "people" don't care about or want education, work, accountability and accomplishment. They don't in Africa and they don't here. It's genetic. Like stupid, you can't fix useless with gibs.

The guy who produced this knows what the problem is. You can tell. But he wpn't say, "Niggers destroy everything." Instead, he just keeps asking how a third-world Haitian-like shithole like what Jackson has become can come about. You can go to Memphis, Little Rock, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, Birmingham, Atlanta, East St. Louis, Dallas, Monroe, Mobile, Jacksonville etc etc etc etc and find the exact same collapse of almost everything the White people built in those towns before we started letting dead niggers vote. There is nothing more blatantly useless than a nigger politician. They have no business voting.

Even though right now most White people would hate me because of my racial and politican views, I don't care. I love my gullible and naive people and I want them to wake the fuck up and realize we have to permanently solve this nigger problem while there is time.

4 comments block

I'm so glad the police are there to protect those niggers from law abiding decent people because they demand "ruspekt". God knows what would happen to them were the laws not there to keep them safe.

It'd probably take about a week to lower the crime rate and eliminate welfare.