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Democracy is stupid even if done reasonably, but USA cannot even do that much

submitted by SithEmpire to DumpsterFireAmerica 1 monthApr 9, 2024 22:45:51 ago (+3/-0)     (DumpsterFireAmerica)

Democracy isn't required to run a country, nor was USA founded with democracy in mind. It's also gay because a slim majority becomes the tyrant.

Now these days when USA wants to do a democracy, the entire world has to have a fake infection because the excuse for mail ballots wouldn't "work" if the election season sniffles magically only affected USA.

Then, what does all the trouble buy us? Comically fraudulent elections where both sides are just going to try to print more votes than the other side, as if achieving that makes them more qualified somehow. Absolute mockery!

That's what USA has, a "demockracy". Votes don't actually represent choices, printer go brrrr for nothing of value, it just needs to print more than the other lot.

7 comments block

The media including fox, democracy 2024. In your face everyday from even Carlson. Every single day I have to remind sssholes about it.. brainwashed sheep. I actually have a thing called the degrading head shove I use on ppl I know. Can't stand the word democracy!