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I cut a section out of an image and I need to use that cut out like a cookie cutter to cut that shape out of another image. Anyone know an easy way to do this?

submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to AskGoats 1 monthApr 18, 2024 19:30:38 ago (+0/-0)     (AskGoats)

I am using 3D paint and Microsoft Paint and I almost have what I need and would be able to do it if 3d paint kept track of layers and let me invert my cropping selection, but I don't think I can do that here.

2 comments block

Nerva 1 points 1 month ago

You can get a copy of Photoshop 2. Adobe shut down the activation for it ages ago, so it's free. It's not the latest and greatest, but you can still use layer masking and the lasso tool to achieve what you want.

Alternatively, you could use Gimp or Photopea, but of the options, I still prefer Photoshop 2 personally.

I've used the link (pasted below) to get Photoshop 2 in the past. When I searched for it, I was surprised to see it was still there.
