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DIOCESAN PRIEST: "The Devil is real and he would destroy the Latin Mass"

submitted by iSnark to TraditionalLatinMass 1 monthApr 20, 2024 18:40:45 ago (+4/-2)     (remnant-tv.com)


In this RTV Sunday Sermon, Father makes an impassioned case for the veracity of what was depicted in the movie Nefarious -- that Satan (whose name literally means "chaos") is real, that he wants to destroy the Latin Mass, and that he has the same agenda for you, your country, your Church, and your family. What do do about it? Well, says Father, we have all the weapons we need to defend against him. What are they? Watch and see. . .

2 comments block

Stuff like this informs me how out of date this stuff is.

REAL TRUTH does NOT change with the times. If the color BLUE were blue on day one, It would be BLUE today. Time DOES NOT change Truth!