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The pajeets, mesmerized by the sparkling lights of the festival, failed to notice the trains hunting path beneath their feet. Sneaking up on them with no more warning than a blaring roar and lightning flashing from its eyes, the train took them by surprise.

submitted by Sector2 to whatever 1 monthApr 20, 2024 22:32:04 ago (+24/-0)     (youtu.be)


On 19 October 2018, two Indian Railways passenger trains hit a crowd of people in the eastern outskirts of Amritsar, Punjab, killing at least 59 people and injuring approximately 100 more. The crowd had gathered to watch celebrations for the Hindu festival of Dussehra and were standing on the tracks.


13 comments block

step over that forearm so we can get closer to the stage lol
why is the ground shaking?