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So I denied the holohoax on a conservative website I've been on for almost 20 years

submitted by TheNoticing to whatever 1 monthApr 30, 2024 09:51:52 ago (+63/-1)     (whatever)

It was funny. They were so absolutely appalled that someone would dare to deny it. Someone even said that I, someone that merely said/denied something am worse than a child molester, someone that has actually done something 1 - illegal, 2 - morally reprehensible, and 3 -should be punished by being left alone with the kid's family.

It's unfortunate that so many on there just can't get enough jew cock to suck. Whether it's grown adult or baby I don't want to know.

55 comments block

Hugh 25 points 1 month ago

Just say: Well, I base it on this research:
1. Evidence: The International Red Cross report after the war reports 283,000 deaths in German work camps, mostly from typhoid
2. Admission of Guilt: The Jewish Encyclopedia itself shows the Jewish population going up from 33M to 33M after WW2.
3. Witnesses: Furthermore, multiple jewish authors have admitted or been caught fabricating accounts (e.g., lamp shade, Mari-Sophie Hingst)
4. Expert Witness: WW2 books written 5-10 years after the war by Eisenhower, DeGaulle and Churchill do not mention any holocaust or gas chambers.
5. Motivation: The total transfer of wealth to the Zionists from the West is over $100Trillion, including $300B annually in direct payments from the U.S.