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"The Russian forces North are marked with the ‘Rune of Gungnir’, the spear of Odin. Historically, the Varangian bogatyrs of Svyatoslav marked their weapons & armor with such runes when they went to war against the Khazarian Khaganate." Goosebumps?

submitted by Sector2 to Jew 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 14:24:07 ago (+11/-2)     (warnews247.gr)


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Reading too much into the use of the ‘Rune of Gungnir’ instead of a letter like 'N'? How much power does the Chabad really hold in Russia? Is the political and military shakeup related?


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Scroll OrthodoxCanonist for Russia vs Khazar (ashkenazi) posts.

6 comments block

the khazars
The russians [Rus] have defeated the khazars centuries ago because the khazars were drinking the blood of children. the russians forced the khazars to adopt a religion. The other major ingredient of the Khazar Jew heritage is hatred for Christianity, and for the Russian people as the champions of the Christian faith. We Americans who call ourselves Christians have not cared enough to open our eyes to try to save our own country, or to defend our faith. So our land has become the battle-ground of the Christian Russians and their deadly enemies - the Bolsheviks and the Zionists. And like it or not we are caught up in this all-out war.
Russia and The Khazars