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Important message from the Boeing corporation!

submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 03:15:04 ago (+8/-3)     (AnonWhatever)


This is Connor Greenwood and I work in the public relations section of Boeing. It has come to my attention that several reports have been generated in our internal social media management module in relations to discussions taking place on this website.

Among such discussions were unverified and debunked conspiracy theories suggesting Boeing is intentionally sabotaging products delivered to our airline customers. We have also received reports featuring content that mocks our DEI program and blames it for these unfortunate and very uncommon failures.

At Boeing, we pride ourselves on an inclusive culture that invites people of all races, sexual orientation, and religion to enjoy our wonderful products and contribute to our mission.

Boeing is now ordering a cease and desist immediately, and demanding a stop to all of these racist and debunked white supremacist conspiracy theories regarding activities at our company. Our social media presence is vital to our success and we will do anything necessary to stop unverified fake rumors. Anything necessary

Thank you for your time, and enjoy your next Boeing flight!

Connor Greenwood

4 comments block

anon 0 points 2 weeks ago

Get the fuck out of western Washington. Get the fuck off the skin of my planet.