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Photos: Iran’s Leader Crash Aftermath Reveals Strange Facts About The Helicopter

submitted by ProudAmerican to news 1 weekMay 20, 2024 08:01:11 ago (+9/-4)     (www.usasupreme.com)


It was an inside job..... two high ranking in the same aircraft. Lack of military jet cover.

Helicopters don't have tail fins like that, not much burning so it blew up in the air...

Can someone clarify whether it was a plane or a helicopter?

4 comments block

Article says that, before it crashed, it was a Russian Mi-171 helicopter; but photos of the wreckage are of an American VIP Bell 212 helicopter.

They're prolly cooperating with international law enforcement, like all those bioweapons experts who were shot down during takeoff in Iraq, after having safely landed in Ukraine hours earlier.

Even repurposed some photos of United 93 crash.

Have to check the New York Times for the full scoop on this clown poop.

::: ::: :::

NB: Re: "cooperating with international law enforcement," not in the "harsh interrogation techniques" sense; but more like a quasi-pleasant perpetual nightmare state, such as in the year 2000 movie, The Cell.