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Accidentally burned a bridge yesterday.

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to tellupgoat_based_edition 1 weekMay 20, 2024 05:21:53 ago (+25/-1)     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

Not literally of course, there's very few wooden bridges these days. I was pissed at the owner of the place I worked at, and I accidentally sent a text I shouldn't have.

Let me unpack this a bit. So I got a text with this week's schedule. She's been starving me out there for a couple weeks and I only had two days. I accidentally told her to shove those two days up her ass. That's how I really felt, but I didn't mean to send that text. I'm a little neurotic, so sometimes I'll write out a text with what I want to say but then think better of it and delete it. Maybe I shouldn't do that, or maybe I should just say what I want. I dunno. I have another job, so it's fine sort of. It was good money though, and it was off the books.

I'm feeling pretty angry about the whole situation though, and I couldn't sleep last night. Kinda need every dollar I can make right now. It is what it is.

51 comments block

fnbs 3 points 1 week ago

"Something better will come along, it always does."

That may have been true a decade ago but if you're a White male in your 50's+ you have a very slim chance of landing a good job these days... you are the one demographic who's value hits the wall as you get older... sure theres a slim chance you might find somethin "better" but the odds are not in your favor