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Researchers confirm microplastics are now in human testicles.

submitted by UncleDoug to science 1 weekMay 20, 2024 08:31:46 ago (+18/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Human testicles can now join the seemingly ever-growing list of places microplastics have spread to, including human placentas, arteries, and more.


human testicle tissue had a presence of microplastics three times higher than what was found in the dog testicle tissue

The main concern is if polyvinyl chloride, which is used in many industrial and household products is contributing, or even the cause of falling sperm counts around the world. It should be noted the results seen in dog fertility in relation to the presence of microplastics in testicle tissue need to be replicated in men before any confirmation can be made on the impact of human male sperm counts.

Between the mRNA vax and microplastics, humans might have difficult procreating within a few generations.

Microplastic presence in dog and human testis and its potential association with sperm count and weights of testis and epididymis


As of 2022, microplastics have even been recorded as far-reaching as to been recorded in Antarctic snow.

15 comments block

I don't want kids anyway. shrug