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My experience with the vax

submitted by Crackinjokes to science 2.8 yearsNov 14, 2021 08:38:55 ago (+33/-0)     (science)

These are my direct experiences.
One neighbor got jabs and was sick for 6 days. Did not need hospital.
Other neighbor got jabs. Was sick and could t work for 4 days. No hospital.
Another neighbor did not get jabs . In her 70's. Has been walking around grocery drug and drug store for months without a mask. No covid. Her sister got the jabs. Died 4 weeks later. No previously known illness. Sudden death. Her other sister got the jabs. Now in the hospital with covid. Been there 4 days. Being told will be there at least a week and then have assisted living recovery period. Being told she has a heart problem. Was healthy before jabs.

Another neighbor did not get the jabs. Diabetic and in her 70's. Been going to drug store and grocery store without masks for months now. No problems.

These are the personal experiences I have had with the jabs with my direct contacts.

No I didn't get the jabs. Been walking around without masks doing everything for months. Take 10,000 IU of vitamin D. Take vitamin c. Take regular vitamin. Occasional zinc and magnesium supplement. No issues. I must have been exposed by now so likely recovered without knowing I had it and immune now.

90 comments block

Ragnar -4 points 2.8 years ago

Hahahahaha you are so old lmao. You live in geriatric community hahahahaha

Edit: wow wow wow! So many sickening simps here

Edit edit: holy shit, we are drowning in simps