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Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a strategic failure

submitted by chrimony to whatever 1.6 yearsFeb 19, 2023 18:29:32 ago (+5/-7)     (www.youtube.com)


Pre-war: NATO weak and reason for existence under question.
Post-war: NATO expanded (Finland and Sweden join) and strengthened.

Pre-war: Russia respected militarily as former superpower.
Post-war: Russia seen as a decayed husk of their former selves.

Pre-war: Europe highly dependent on Russian fuel supplies. Nord Stream 2 coming online.
Post-war: Russia a pariah state. Europe strongly motivated to seek independence from Russia.

The linked video is from Perun. He does in-depth analysis videos on the Russia/Ukraine war. While he is clearly sympathetic to Ukraine, he offers evidence-based and reasoned analysis that you don't typically find on either side of the aisle. A typical video will go over the strengths and weaknesses of either side, highlights that war is uncertain, etc. This video is pretty one-sided, however -- probably because that's where the true position lies.

26 comments block

clymer -2 points 1.6 years ago

didn't watch the video, but I would trust Scott Ritter over most others to be subject matter expert
