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Κλεοπατρα Θεα Φιλοπατωρ/Cleopatra Thea Philopator

submitted by UncleDoug to History 1.4 yearsApr 20, 2023 06:54:39 ago (+62/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Cleopatra VII, the last active Hellenistic ruler of the Macedonian-led Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, with minor Persian and Sogdian Iranian ancestry.

Cleopatra was a direct descendant of Alexander's general, Ptolemy I Soter, son of Arsinoe and Lacus, both of Macedon. A Greek by language and culture, Cleopatra is reputed to have been the first member of her family in their 300-year reign in Egypt to have learned the Egyptian language.

jews BTFO.

26 comments block

Cleopatra and most of the Ptolemaic dynasty were inbred psychopath heathens, no less so than any of Egypt's other ruling dynastic lines. Their civilization is quite literally dust in the sands of time for reasons I don't envy and we're all the better for it. That cultural subversion agents are so eager to conflate being born on the African continent for being sub-Saharan African shows how little effort they need expend to draw you into their frame of thought in their effort to dehumanize and diminish ethnic Europeans and Africans, into "white" people and black people.