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I think caffeine affects your ability to call out bullshit when bullshit is occurring. It causes the go along to get along bullshit to take place,

submitted by Sleazy to whatever 1 yearSep 15, 2023 06:48:22 ago (+7/-5)     (whatever)

I mean really, do any of you know a fucking normie who follows along with everything the media propagates that isn't a caffeine addict.

Hell, most of you people here on this site regurgitate the media bullshit every damned day

the caffeine is stopping you from standing up for yourself, there is something in the effects of caffeine that makes you do what you are told.

Get off the caffeine

you're all fucking addicts

caffeine addicts.

Just imagine if caffeine was made illegal overnight, the black market for the degeneracy would spring up instantly and all the addicts would find a connection as fast as they could.

I am serious

caffeine is stopping you from calling the liars, liars. You caffeine addicts, instead, say, well he is the authority, Better follow the Authorities advice. When they are leading you off a cliff.

Notice how all the meat processing facilities are catching fire, the caffeine industry is untouched by such fires.

Imagine that

The first step is to admit you are an addict

30 comments block

you might think you do, but i doubt it

caffeine makes you go with the flow