Pure Cohencidence Goys!!! - On the same day the Iranian President is reported dead from a helicopter "accident", Israel launches the invasion of Rafah. This attack was considered a "red line" for Iran.     (x.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 10 hours ago (+40/-1)
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kikebag demons are laughing at and taunting the goyim. (((mark zuckerkike's 300 million dollar/300 ft yacht but hey, you will own nothing and be happy and don't worry about its 4 diesel engines climate change lovers! I'm sure his chink wife has the yacht chef prepare her cat/dog soup ery day     (x.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to PureFuckingKikery 11 hours ago (+33/-0)
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digital ID in iceland      (x.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Technocracy 12 hours ago (+26/-0)
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I'm Australian, but live in Iceland: a country that already has an all-encompassing digital ID system. If you're wondering how Australia's new system will play out, I'll tell you here.

And also, how Australians who don't want a digital ID can attempt to protect themselves... at least for a short while.

In Iceland, the digital ID system is linked to each person's kennitala, or social security number.

I sign into everything with my electronic ID (rafræn skilríki) via my phone. Any time I access my bank account, phone services, accounting, tax, insurance, credit score, manage my assets (car/house), power bill, medical record, when I vote, or even want to pull up a store receipt of something I've bought, it's all linked to my digital ID.

Everything in one place. Everything.

You cannot NOT have a digital ID to live in Iceland. It's impossible.

You can't get power turned on, get a phone number, buy or register a car, rent or buy a house, or even buy certain items without having a kennitala or digital ID. You need one.

This has its benefits (it makes life more streamlined when you're trying to do something in daily life), but it also means there is no privacy at all in Iceland.

Anyone can look up where I live. The license plate of my car. How much tax I paid last year. My phone number. You name it. It's public and available--and all you need is my kennitala to find it all out.

But the government has access to more.

The Icelandic government and tax office has access to my bank accounts and knows every transaction I make, what I spend, and what I earn. They don't need a warrant, or anything else to access it--it's theirs. They just need probable cause to look at it.

Australians, this is what's coming for you.

Over the coming years, the government will make it impossible to opt out of the digital ID system. You'll need one for everything.

And most importantly, they'll coerce Australians into adopting it by creating laws that link it to the most important thing you need to survive in today's modern world: your bank account.

They'll do it on the grounds of anti-money-laundering and financial safety. The gov't will enforce laws onto banks (among the many ID and verification laws already mandated on banks) that if you don't have the digital ID, you won't be able to open, keep, or use a bank account.

If your refuse, you'll effectively be locked out of society. Because in today's modern world, you need access to banking services to survive.

Banking will be first. Then everything else in society will be linked to your digital ID.

Nothing will ever again be private. Just like in Iceland today, the government will know everything. Always. Forever.

So, are there ways to opt-out or protect yourself?

Yes, and also no.

It all comes down to having other options. If you're solely a citizen or resident of Australia and nowhere else, you will have no other options. You will be forced to stay in the ecosystem of Australia.

If you have a second passport however, you will have a second nation to fall back on to use its banking, economic, and social system if you don't want to be forced into adopting Australia's. You can still live in Australia, but potentially hold bank accounts in your other nation.

If you don't have a second passport, but know you're eligible for one via a parent, grandparent, or other means, I would seriously suggest taking action to claim it as soon as possible.

But what if you are stuck? Sure, you could leave Australia. But that's not for everyone.

One backup plan that may help you for a while, is becoming an eResident of another country.

eResidency (or digital residency) allows you to access the services of another nation (like banking, etc) without living there. The two major eResidency programs offered today exist in the Baltic EU nation of Estonia, and the island nation of Palau.

You never have to go to either country to claim eResidency. It's a background check, and a small payment, and you can be then sent a nationally-recognised ID card from that nation, that will allow you to among many other things, set up a bank account.

Simply search for "Palau digital residency" or "Estonia eResidency" online if you're interested in either.

It's not a perfect solution. It won't completely protect you if your decision will be to stay in Australia long-term. On a long enough timeline--like in Iceland--you will eventually have to get Australia's digital ID.

The government will make it impossible for you to live otherwise.

But having a backup plan--like a bank account, or money/assets in a location that is harder for the Australian government to access or block you from--might be something you are interested in.

And I'm all for having backup plans.

But again, the best backup plan will always be a citizenship/passport of at least one more nation, or at the very least, your having a permanent residency permit elsewhere. Somewhere that believed in citizens having freedom and privacy.

I hope this helps.

personally i think that once this is being adopted the people will be utterly fucked for good. the plan is to enable this shit worldwide
NIGGERS have no place in White Western Civilization.     (x.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 2 days ago (+43/-0)
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4000 year old bodies in high tech boats buried in China were of course Europeans. This was the spreading noted in all myths and legends. Those that taught the natives technology after floods      (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 2 days ago (+29/-0)
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Remember the ancient Aztecs said

"They came from the east on the water in boats that rowed themselves. They taught us everything".

They also apparently went to China and elsewhere.

Europeans are the smartest most advanced people on earth and have been for thousand of years.

All other people owe them everything that comes from civilization and farming and construction.
Watch murder rate per race all head upward in 2020, Hawaiians even enter the chat out of nowhere      (x.com)
submitted by Dindu to Niggers 1 day ago (+16/-0)
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Lord Rothschild himself bragging about his family stealing Palestine and the origin of the Balfour Declaration. Please save this.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 4 days ago (+29/-1)
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Nick Feuntes lives stream production software hacked by a Jew who inserted gay porn at the end of the stream and offered money for his employees to turn on Fuentes. Jews have no limits. They are filthy and dangerous.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 day ago (+13/-2)
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Limerick is a town in the south west of Ireland renowned for its hospitality and humour     (x.com)
submitted by Irelandlost to MeanwhileOnTwitter 4 days ago (+25/-0)
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The last line cracks me up, never truer words spoken either.
It’s open season on niggers!     (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to Niggers 2 days ago (+13/-1)
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Save this. The letter showing Jews got Palestine from Britain in exchange for getting the USA into ww2.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 week ago (+46/-1)
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When people tell the uninformed "Watch Europa the Last Battle" I groan and say "it has to be something shorter". LIKE THIS!     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+45/-1)
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Whoever did this did it just right.


Great imagery.

Inevitable conclusions and logic and emotional energy.

Can someone who knows how please back this up?
Video is a 7/10 but becomes a 8 at the last second. Lol spit hood. Nigga look like the black chainsaw massacrist     (x.com)
submitted by Dindu to Niggers 2 days ago (+7/-0)
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Save this. Histiric headlines showing UK controlled by Jews ignore Hitler's peace offerings.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 week ago (+27/-1)
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I dont care what you think of Musk. This is cool as shit.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to videos 3 days ago (+12/-5)
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Yeah, it’s all coming together...     (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to WhiteWomen 1 day ago (+6/-2)
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The battle of Clonmel - Irish fighting spirit 🍀     (x.com)
submitted by dulcima to FightingBackAgainstTheNWO 2 days ago (+5/-0)
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Been following this story the past few days: Local residents in in Clonmel County Tipperary were informed that a 200 year old tree in their would be felled to make way for a migrant camp.

They are fighting back.




Xwitter account -

Save this showing Jews contempt for goyim fighting for them     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 week ago (+18/-2)
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The true story about the Jewish takeover of Palestine 75 years ago. Please save this..     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 4 days ago (+6/-0)
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Candice Owen trying to explain anti-Semitism to her daughter     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 week ago (+21/-0)
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See new posts
Candace Owens
Looks like the latest definition of antisemitism is the belief that AIPAC (and all apparent foreign lobbyists) should be banned from influencing our elections & attacking our congressmen.

At this point, I think we need Amber alerts of the daily definition of antisemitism.
@RealCandaceO Thomas is just as anti-Semitic as you are and we will make sure he is no longer in our Republican Party. x.com/RealCandaceO/s…
Candace Owens
Me trying to explain the definition of antisemitism to my kids.
“Like it’s also ‘Christ is King’ sometimes but also mourning dead Palestinian children but also harboring the belief that AIPAC shouldn’t intimidate politicians but also bringing up how Israel conducted a terrorist attack on Americans aboard the USS Liberty but also discussing Bolshevism and the Christian Holocaust but also like, reading the lawsuit against Diddy and asking meaningful questions, but also like, defending yourself against a Rabbi that’s threatening your life, but also like, defending yourself at all sometimes, but also like, looking into the history of pornography, but also like, mourning dead Christians in Armenia at an ill-advised time, but also like, discussing the objective history of psychology and transgenderism. But also like, asking any questions sometimes or wondering how the definition of antisemitism seems to just mutate daily.”

Nicholas J. Fuentes
Dublin says no! Anti-immigration march in Dublin yesterday attracts over 10k     (x.com)
submitted by Irelandlost to whatever 1 week ago (+51/-1)
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Interview with one of many families leaving Canada and the USA for Russia     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 1 week ago (+25/-3)
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Well isreal told all the refugees in Gaza to go to Rafa and now Israel is slaughtering them in rafah and there is no where else to go. Jews are sociopaths and will anyone including us without hesitation.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 1 week ago (+52/-1)
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Save this document showing Jews willing to sacrifice Jews for     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 1 week ago (+12/-0)
Jew Congressman Dan Goldman called out for simultaneously assisting proven liar Michael Cohen while paying his daughter's firm 150,000.     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 4 days ago (+4/-0)
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