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Community for : 7 months

Owner: system


The term "Greatest Ally" needs to become a curse word. Use it whenever there's a murder or rape or a robbery and make sure to mention in comments that the perpetrator was the victim's "greatest Ally"     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 day ago (+44/-0)
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When I think of the widespread misery Jews have caused so many people from their debt slavery usury, intentional misdirection of people away from happy male female child bearing lifestyles and their starting of wars that killed millions I get angry.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+50/-1)
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When I think of the widespread misery Jews have caused so many people from their debt slavery usury, intentional misdirection of people away from happy male female child bearing lifestyles and their starting of wars that killed millions I get angry.

Stop calling people who aren't actually NAZIs Nazis. The national socialist party was for eliminating debt, promoting families and fair pay for labor. If that isn't what they are doing that then they arent NAZI's.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 4 days ago (+34/-0)
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Stop calling people who aren't actually NAZIs Nazis.

The national socialist party was for eliminating debt, promoting families and fair pay for labor.

If that isn't what they are doing that then they arent NAZI's.

(Actual party platform 1920 and the country thrived.
At this point I have realized that the NATO organization has become simply a Jewish alliance to take over the world.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 5 days ago (+43/-1)
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As I reflect upon the last few years of Talk/Upgoat I realize that there has only been one, maybe two, shutdowns for maintenance      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by RMGoetbbels to TellUpgoat 5 days ago (+36/-0)
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and no UNPLANNED heroin binges or sex orgy disruptions. So even with a half assed effort, System has done better than Putt.

Good job System, take next Shabbat off like you're supposed to. You deserve it! L'Chaim.
I miss good music from days gone (rant)     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 12 hours ago (+2/-4)
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Today I've got three songs on classic radio from Barry White, Sade and Whitney Houston. Amazing music and amazing vocals. Real music with real instruments. Today any radio has only stupid nigger music with digital beats and rap. You can tell right away that the singer is a nigger.

I think the only classic black singer left now is Mariah Carey.

The only White classic singer left I know is Michael Buble.

I want to go back to the 70's, 80's. 90s, when music was real and charming.

I'm tired of switching between stations to find any good song playing.

When I was dating, music was always cool on every station.
Another garage sale find: N-Sync bobbleheads     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+6/-0)
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At 25ยข each, I almost snapped them up.
When people tell the uninformed "Watch Europa the Last Battle" I groan and say "it has to be something shorter". LIKE THIS!     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+45/-1)
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Whoever did this did it just right.


Great imagery.

Inevitable conclusions and logic and emotional energy.

Can someone who knows how please back this up?
for $850,000 I'd blow Bill Clinton too!     (
submitted by con77 to TellUpgoat 1 day ago (+2/-0)
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Jewish downvoter squads out in force today!     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 4 days ago (+16/-6)
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One thing I have noticed in life is a tremendous number of homosexual men are sociopaths. If you think about it it fits because to use another man in such a way as to only get your own rocks off while doing physical harm to that person is exactly what a sociopath would be into.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+4/-1)
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I've just noticed that so many absolutely cruel and unthinking and insensitive actions are led by homosexual men. It's been something I've noticed in life. They have a flippant disregard for the harm they do or the harm they do to others and they often seem to take great glee in attempting to harm others.

Some of the worst murderers are homosexuals. Some of the most Financial criminals are homosexuals. Some of the worst media critics of other people are homosexual.

And of course the fact that so many homosexuals are Jews goes along with the sociopathy because so many Jews are sociopaths and seem to completely lack any empathy or capacity for real love.

Just something I've noticed.
Life Pro Tip. Don't show a nigger where you keep your tools.     (
submitted by ProudRebel to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+27/-0)
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You know what might be the worst possible woman. Traveling nurse... on the road and a doctor fucker     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+2/-2)
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No way a traveling nurse is not a whore. Women can't be bored a little attention from any guy they think is a step up and they will justify cheating for sure or just cheat and not say shit.

Anyone have any experience with one? The horror stories about nurses is fucking crazy
This is a reminder to say Fuck the Jews for always trying to take over and destroy everyone's lives. Fuck the Jews!     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+37/-1)
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Is there a viable country that would take in white Americans that are tired if this jew ZOG bullshit?     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 4 days ago (+3/-1)
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I just hate liberal faggots so much and they are so fucking easily brainwashed by the kike fucks it's not even funny. All they do is complain about America get the fuck out then or is there a place for us to go down the road.
not us. not our problem     (
submitted by con77 to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+21/-0)
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Would be funny if people starting opening Holohoax Museums. Or just made direction signs pointing nowhere that said Holohoax Museum 2 miles Etc     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+23/-0)
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Would be funny if people starting opening Holohoax Museums. Or just made direction signs pointing nowhere that said

Holohoax Museum
2 miles

Suggestion: call all the churches in your area.say "I m looking for a new church. "Do you preach that Jews are gods chosen people?" See which in your area are Jew controlled      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+24/-4)
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Suggestion: call all the churches in your area.

Ask for the pastor

say "I m looking for a new church. "Do you preach that Jews are gods chosen people?"

See which in your area are Jew controlled

Make lists. Form a central database in the nation.

See if there are any that actually preach
"Christianity First"

Then say "I am making a list of Christian first churches in the area for believers."

Part of the reason for doing this is making them realize they are going to be listed as non Christian first.
The MIGHT make them change.

@Doglegwarrior     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+4/-0)
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Vancouver BC report     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by beece to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+4/-0)
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Hadn't been there for a while. Went up for the Vancouver (1/2) Marathon to be with family who were running then on to Whistler. Stopped in Richmond, a suburb of vancouver to hit the Tesla charging station and grab some food at the walmart supercenter nearby. We were the only white people in the Walmart. Literally: everyone else was Asian, I'd go 90% chinese, 5% other SE asian, and a couple of subcontinant Indians. Now, that's not something I give to much of a shit about as most aisians I've met are great folks, and I'd heard that folks from Hong Kong were immigrating en mass, but ....Wow. It was fairly stunning, real estate prices were high as well although resturants were cheaper than the US due to a favorable exchange rate.

That's all I have.
We need a word to counteract anti-Semitism and the word needs to express the problems Jews cause which justify resistance to them. I propose Agro-Semitism "Agro-Semitism grew 5000% in 2023"     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+13/-1)
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Agro-Semitism is the physical, financial and cultural violence that Jews inflict on other peoples.

We need a word to counteract anti-Semitism and the word needs to express the problems Jews cause which justify resistance to them. I propose Agro-Semitism "Agro-Semitism grew 5000% in 2023"

It needs to express the danger that Jews cause other people. The only thing that gets people to actually take action is fear that they themselves will hurt. And the problem is when people talk about Jews they talk about all the bad things they do but what people really need to know is that they are in danger from Jews because Jews will have them killed in wars or wipe them out financially so they die starving in the street. When people begin to fear Jews there's more of a chance they might actually do something.

Just like people only take action against a dog or an animal when it appears to be snarling or trying to attack them it's the same way with political things. Why do you think they're always trying to throw up fears of terrorism and other things to make you think that you might be in a bombed building or something. It's mostly nonsense but it's fear that works.

But the one group that harms more people in the west right now than any other group The the threat of getting them into a war where they might die or the causing them Financial ruin where they might starve or not be able to afford health insurance so they die from sickness is the jews.

People need to learn to fear the Jews and they need to be educated that their life is in danger from continued Jewish control of the United states. It'd be nice if we could instill that fear of Jews into people before they let the Muslim Sharia neighbor move in next door who's going to cut your daughter's head off or rape her. All because the Jews let them in.

Now when someone talks about anti-semitism you can reply succinctly with the word that achieves many of the same effects that they chose antisemitism for.
1. most people don't know exactly what it means so it's going to cause them to pause.

2.the ones that do know what it means will know exactly how truthful it is.

3. It enables you to quickly counteract any argument without having to go into great detail about "but Jews killed all these people in Gaza" "Jews killed all these people in Iraq" "Jews are destroying our monetary system and impoverishing millions of people in America" "Jews are committing cultural genocide against European white people" etc etc.

You can now sum it all up with..


As in "the reason Anti-Semitism has grown is because of a drastic increase in Agro-Semitism"


Next is to post the definition to as many social media sites as possible AND START USING IT!
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Sleazy to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+8/-0)
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Joe     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by beece to TellUpgoat 5 days ago (+0/-0)
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Never Underestimate the Ability of Inadequate Talent to Find Itself in the Marketplace     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by SilentByAssociation to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+9/-0)
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That is all.
Upgoat is too depressing. It needs positive, uplifting news     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+16/-7)
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Let's make a sub for positive, uplifting news. I get depression every day after reading only negative news here. I think many here feel like me.