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Rep Thomas Massie wants to end the fed. The kikes are going to try to kill that guy.      (
submitted by ProudRebel to TellUpgoat 11 hours ago (+42/-0)
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I'm flattered.      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by ProudRebel to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+50/-0)
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I play bingo at the nursing home my friend resides in once a week. Today the activities lady approached me to run a Men's group once a month. Of course I want to do that. I'm always looking for ways to be of service to my fellow Whites. I live in a small town in the south and the nursing home is lilly White. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

Every now and then something happens that tells you you might be doing something right. I'm flattered.

If you guys could give me suggestions, topics, just fun shit, maybe a joke night? Idk. I'm excited. If you like I'll keep you posted. There are some characters there.
Poo’s from just 1 Poo sub caste, now own half of all US motels.     (
submitted by 3Whuurs to TellUpgoat 22 hours ago (+13/-0)
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I bought my 82yo boomer dad a new smart tv and hilarity ensues.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 1 day ago (+16/-1)
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For years he uses an old ass 50 inch TV with a antenna box. He watches local channels only.

So I buy him a 65" Vizio smart tv. I show him all the free shit that's on it. I spent every morning and even stopped by in the evening teaching him how to operate everything. He's called me multiple times because he can't figure it out. I patiently show him again how to use it. Next day, same thing. He's totally lost.

I go down this morning and he says "I'm throwing this GD tv out the door and I want my old tv back". He was annoyed AF. So I hooked all his old stuff back up. He told me to just give the tv to somebody who needs it. I just paid almost $400 for it. I don't need it. I have nice tv's and a projector. I'm thinking about setting it in the road and hitting it at 70mph in my side-by-side and filming it. kek I don't know yet. I haven't really decided. I'm sure one of my kids might want it but I'm a wild card.

Its just hard to tell what's its future is.

Back around 2015 the people of Crimea overwhelmingly voted to leave corrupt Ukraine and join Russia. This has saved them from being thrown into Jewish zielinsky's meat grinder design to kill native Christian ukrainians. It was the best vote ever.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+34/-2)
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Important to remember that The sovereign Nation of Ukraine with its freely elected leader was invaded by the United States through jew Victor Nuiand in 2014 and taken over. The Ukraine today is not the free Ukraine that we promised to protect. It is the captured invaded Ukraine known as Jewkraine.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+25/-1)
Remember the current Ukraine war is a Jewish war of Jews who took over Ukraine and want to make it Israel 2.0 and use it to retake control of russia. Trump is right to cut off aid and Putin should take over all of Ukraine to save it from the Jews. Every Western leader supporting Ukraine is controlle     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+17/-1)
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Matthew Lesko knows where all the government scams and departments are. He sold books for years telling people how to get free money from the government for all kinds of crazy programs. His database is probably unequaled. And he also wears crazy suits. look him up     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+10/-0)
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Matthew Lesko knows where all the government scams and departments are. He sold books for years telling people how to get free money from the government for all kinds of crazy programs. His database is probably unequaled. And he also wears crazy suits. look him up
jew mccarthy believes that possession of child porn should be legal........     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+12/-0)
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the exchange, incase he edits or deletes:

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -2 points ago (+0/-2)

Why would anyone have allegiance to America? The Soviet Union was less odious.

Rage against the machine indeed. The US is the skynet enabler. Fuck this country.

John Grisham has suggested men do not deserve prison for mere possession of kiddie porn. Hard to disagree. Some of you guys are just sadists that just enjoy torturing people as much as possible while virtue signaling about it.
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[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 0 points ago (+0/-0)

John Grisham has suggested men do not deserve prison for mere possession of kiddie porn. Hard to disagree.
Agreed, they deserve a bullet.
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[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 0 points ago (+0/-0)

Guy goes on the dark web, downloads underage Traci Lords fare, needs a bullet.

This is why Russia is winning. It's hard to lose when your opponent is full of lunatics.
100,000 imaginary internet points!     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by con77 to TellUpgoat 1 day ago (+5/-1)
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Member for: 4 years

scp: 58960 (+62269/-3309)
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I will admit that Im retired and only work part time on the weekends

the closest Ive seen is @big_fat_dangus at just over 77,000

This is a great post but it should have been titled normal Americans need to seize this opportunity to take over government jobs and steer the government in a patriotic direction here's how to do it     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+6/-0)
Remember Putin freed the people of Crimea from the corrupt Jewish rule of Victorian newlands installed Jewish leaders in ukraine. The people in Crimea voted to leave Ukraine. Putin should take over all of Ukraine and free all the people     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+7/-0)
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I saw something this weekend that I wish I didn't see. Pringles can edition     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 4 days ago (+12/-1)
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Stopped off at a mall. My wife wanted to go in and look. We rarely do this. So I gotta take a piss and go into a bathroom. I walked into a stall and there it was. A turd the size of a Pringles can. No way it would flush down. You'd have to chop it up with an axe or a stick or something. How in the hell can something like that come out of a mans ass? I'll never know and I don't wanna know. I pity the fool who shit that monster.

I reunited with my wife in the mall and she asked me what was wrong. I was obviously traumatized. I said "Pringles can...ta ta ta turrrrddd". She was like wut? I tried to take her in the bathroom and show it to her but she wouldn't go and I don't blame her but gotdamn it was a sight to see. I should've stood outside the bathroom and started charging admission to people to go in and see it.

So Pam Bondi thinks that the New York office is withholding documents duh. Duh!. Why didn't you assume that in the beginning! Why didn't you send armed agents up there to gather the files personally and arrest any person who tried to stop you?     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+24/-0)
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Rocket Science - When a space rocket blasts off from the launch pad it goes straight up in the air however beneath it at ground level the Earth is rotating at approximately 1000 mph, which means the actual flight path is a parabolic curve & that it will at no time simply fall straight back to Earth     (
submitted by RexYehudi to TellUpgoat 53 minutes ago (+2/-2)
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So when you see the first stage separate and fall back to the launch pad under its own power you are witnessing bs .. case in point first stage separation of SpaceX Starship Flight 8 occurred after 2 min 46 sec of flight time, at an altitude of 65 km and while the vehicle was travelling at a speed of 4459 kph. Whereas the Speed Distance Time Calculator website, tells us that in that time frame the rocket would be 46 miles downrange .. the rocketeers want to tell you the first stage made its way back to the launch pad under its own power from that altitude and speed, to make a pin point landing .. doesn't sound right to me.
Distraction     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Reawakened to TellUpgoat 5 days ago (+14/-0)
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Epstein is a distraction, Zelensky is a distraction, JFK is a distraction. When is Trump going to address the Federal Reserve and the non-ratification of the 16th amendment? Until you fix that, you've fixed nothing.
Yid girl house party     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Trope to TellUpgoat 3 days ago (+2/-0)
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My friend shared this story with me. In the years immediately following high school, he found himself at a house party. It was a big house on the wealthy side of the suburban town tucked away in beautiful tree lines. The girl who lived there was apparently jewish and they were all trashed.

Someone gave her a smoked ham and cheese sandwich. She said: “Holy shit, I’m not supposed to be eating this but this is so good.” She proceeded to enjoy the sandwich in its entirety.

Definitely one of his milder stories.
Most homosexuals are sociopaths.      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+39/-1)
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It's been my experience.

They don't feel love like normal people.

they view other humans only for how they can satisfy them.

It is the essence of homosexuality.

It's no coincidence that so many Jews are homos either

Not including lesbians here. That's a whole different thing often revolving around alcohol abuse. That's been my experience with those I've known.
If you're new here, your life will be different after viewing this.     (
submitted by ProudRebel to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+34/-2)
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con77 contemplates his annual spring bath in the river     (
submitted by con77 to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+5/-1)
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Hurt Feelings Report - @Cunty of the United Kingdom - outcome I'm seeking is you send him to Coventry for 7 days.     (
submitted by paul_neri to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+3/-0)
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[ - ] Cunty 1 point ago (+1/-0)

Bullshit story Queeri, you're not man enough to do any of that shit and certainly not man enough to throw inaminute out of the gay club, you old timer certainly wouldn't be able to keep up with those youngsters, you would be at the back behind the other guys, I wouldn't want you behind me!.

Nice try though faggot.

Have an upvote for the dramatisations faggot.
I'm gonna be clownworld rich Goats. I'm going to build a DEI enabled aircraft that can land at any orientation.      (
submitted by ProudRebel to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+25/-0)
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In 2022 Russian invasion army in Ukraine massacred 458 men, women and children      (
submitted by Sal_180 to TellUpgoat 2 days ago (+2/-5)
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Honestly Trump's narrative on Ukraine minerals is sort of astounding. Jews in the US took over Ukraine in a coup forced it into a war that destroyed half its country and about a million of its citizens that none of those citizens wanted to participate in and now Trump wants to extract money as if we     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+12/-2)
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Honestly Trump's narrative on Ukraine minerals is sort of astounding. Jews in the US took over Ukraine in a coup forced it into a war that destroyed half its country and about a million of its citizens that none of those citizens wanted to participate in and now Trump wants to extract money as if we gave the citizens of Ukraine something they wanted. None of them wanted to coup. None of them wanted to go to war with Russia that was the Jewish plan through zelensky sponsored by Victorian newland and her succession of prior Jewish presidents which they installed.

So now to act like Ukraine owes the United States money for taking over the country and forcing it into a war that killed tons of its citizens and destroyed half its country is frankly very similar to how Germany was forced to pay debts for World War I which it didn't want to enter and none of its citizens wanted which destroyed a lot of the country and killed millions of its citizens. I mean it's basically like the bad World War One deal that led to the German uprising in Hitler's rise after that stupid deal was signed.

I can't believe that Trump doesn't see this and if he does see it then of course it means he's part of it which you know I guess we have to admit as a high likelihood.

And let's face it it mirrors Trump's discussion and stated view that somehow Gaza is so terrible that the Palestinians wouldn't want to live there now and therefore it's better for them to move away and have everybody else on the seaside real estate which will be developed into a billion dollar properties. Well last I looked the gaza's citizens the Palestinians living in Gaza or bombed by us bombs coming from Jews in israel. So for now say that oh yeah it's a terrible place and no Palestinian would want to live there is honestly pretty incredibly just brazen.

I mean rah rah for our side and I'm a US citizen and all that but I know a stinker when I see one and I really hate for a leader of our country to be talking about it. If there was any justice in the world Victoria newland and all the Jews behind all these schemes would be the ones who were forced to pay for it all and half of them be in jail and I bet if you put them in a square in Ukraine Ukrainian citizens would deal with them pretty quickly.
Buy a 3D printer and learn AutoDesk Fusion     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by titstitstits to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+7/-3)
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I did this because I am trying to sell some shit I co-invented with people who already made it 10+ years ago but aren't selling it right.

Anyhow, if you've never seen a modern 3D printer they are amazing. First test print I did I kept saying wow over and over again.

While I'm primarily using it for my device I'm finding that it has a million and a half household uses as well. Once you get good enough at autodesk (which btw is not all that hard) you can just whip things up very quickly.

Well, to be fair, right now I'm printing a laptop case for my tablet computer that lost its keyboard. On the top half I just mount the computer and on the bottom half I put in a wireless keyboard and mouse. It has room for a usb hub, strain relief on the power cord, a couple gizmos, etc. And this one did take me a very frustrating 6-7 hours to design but I myself am very new and this allowed me to keep using my old computer instead of having to buy a new one. Now it's basically a laptop again and in a lot of ways better than new.

Of course you can 3D print guns but that's dumb, just buy a normal gun or a pipe gun or something. But to each his own.

Anyways, I just wanted to share this. If you do stuff like woodworking you definitely should add 3D printing to your repertoire.

this is the one i got (to my knowledge that is not an affiliate link or anything, i'm not getting paid by amazon. you can search for it yourself if you'd like, FlashForge Adventurer 5M Pro)