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What to actually read     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 1 month ago


Instead of high filuting shit like art of war, go read about Clausewitz, Hannibal, and Napoleon's methods and thinking.

Instead of reading "the 48 laws of power" go read the dictators handbook and works by Shelle Rose Charvet

Instead of guns, germs, and steel, go read about cliodynamics.

Instead of 1984, go read Fahrenheit 451 and the camp of saints

Instead of "how to win friends and influence people" go read "Games people play" by eric berne.

Haven't read "thinking fast and slow", haven't read "think and grow rich", and I'm certainly not reading Sapiens by yuval harari, and my guess is none of these are worth it anyway.

This is all you need to know in terms of "this not that."
I would know. I've read around 400 ebooks, and at one point had over a thousand physical books, half of which I read and realized were worthless, and discarded by the side of the road under the sign "free kindling".

Most books aren't worth the ink and paper it took to print them.

Clauswitz will teach you the politics of war. Napoleon will teach you the tactics of war. Hannibal will teach you the difference between tactics and strategy (tactics is about what you do in a conflict, strategy is about how you prioritize and choose which *battles* to fight, and which to avoid, in order to maximize the odds of winning. Thats it, thats all you need to know about that, really.)

"Games people play" is about interpersonal dynamics, and gets down into the nitty gritty about all the shit we see. Identify a game someone is playing, and it tells you numerous things about who they are, and where they come from. I once was at a party, and noticed how the host interacted with his wife, and it fell under a particular pattern, and I turned to the host's sister-in-law and said "he was a real mamas boy wasn't he?" She looked at me startled, because this guy didn't seem the type, and she asked "how did you know?"
It's that predictive of people.

Charvet's work tells you how people communicate at a word-by-word and sentence by sentence level, and the psychology behind those. Remember those myers-briggs personality tests? If anyone has taken more than one for school or knows someone who has, they might have heard how someone's type 'changed'. Thats not the case at all. Those tests are static dogshit. In fact, the reason people's brigg's type seems to change is because people act different under different circumstances (the setting, the individual interaction, the social context, and a host of other variables). Charvet and her company discovered that there are fixed patterns, and key indicator words and styles of speech that exactly tell you what someone's pattern is in any given situation. She also learned that the advice to "restate someone's words in your own words to show you are paying attention" (or doing 'active listening') is basically bullshit, and if you don't know how to use her system, the *best* thing you can do is to reply (to someone you're trying to influence) by using their *exact* words. You can change the ordering, but the words themselves should be the same.

1984 was basically a love letter to totalitarianism, turned job-app for a would-be globalist propagandist. Its function was to pull the wool over people's eyes so when totalitarianism arrived at their doorstep, they wouldn't recognize it, sort of like how red dawn acts to program the right into misguidedly believing what a foreign takeover of the u.s. 'would' look like, and so when that all-out invasion never comes, people sit on their hands.
MO police sniper murderer 2 year old girl.     (www.kcur.org)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


Ahren Dehart, 1 year old white baby boy, murdered by black in texas     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


picture of the the murderer and his victim:

guy admitted to basically strangling the kid from what I can gather

retarded parents let the parasite babysit for them.

all involved deserve to be put on trial and face execution.


I have a new slur to label the RNC: Soft Cock Socialists. Beats 'limp wrist'. How to recognize them: Any time they pass a bill while no one is looking, or pass it because they 'had no choice'     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


Complements the DNC half of the uniparty and their brand name: Champaign Socialists.

Another fun thing they do is never evict party members who betray them by "only a few members who crossed the aisle to support this bill we were totally against! We'll stop em next time!"

Remember, it is uniparty, has always been a uniparty, and will always remain, a uniparty.
The Burning Platform - Author has been on fire with his articles lately.     (www.theburningplatform.com)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


Anyone who says "judeo-christian is a marxist pushing a false choice dilemma.     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


Especially now that the 'left vs right' uniparty scam is failing to distract people from their hatred of congress, the senate, and the intelligence bureaus.

They want you to side with (judeo) 'christians' vs marxism.

It's just marxism vs marxism.

They're bolsheviks, every last one of them.

Start calling them what they are and smash the dialectic in the process: judeo-marxists or judeo-bolsheviks.
How To Deconstruct The J6 Narrative - To undo j6 as the '9/11' event they have made it out to be, we must push open questioning of police involvement in the blm/antifa riots.     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


You're not gonna like the answer but it is fairly straightforward: Question police and fbi involvement in provoking/riling up the antifa/blm in 2020.

The thinking goes "if they were involved in turning j6 into a riot, by refusing security, refusing enforcement, and using unprovoked gas grenade attacks, assaults on protesters, and plants in the crowd that urged people to get violent, then why wouldn't they do the same with leftwing protests?"

Start questioning that and the j6 narrative dissolves under combine scrutiny.

The big danger to them is third positionist sentiments in the public, because it unifies the radicalism of the left with the anger and resources of the right.

This puts the regime in a no-win position because, if this message is pushed, then their only goto is to either drop the j6 narrative and reverse course, or to throw the leftwing events of 2020 under the bus and say "actually those were riots", thereby alienating regime supporters.

To undo j6 as the '9/11' event they have made it out to be, we must push open questioning of police involvement in the blm/antifa riots.

This idea has been shared 100% in retaliation for the $1.2 trillion dollar spending bill the uniparty recently passed while doing nothing about the border and foreigners already here.
Interesting Opinions In This Article. Seems like the author says the quiet part out loud.     (www.theburningplatform.com)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


what does it all mean?     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


1. catbox and other providers being blocked, either because someone uploaded something major, or the regime expects many people to being uploading evidence of something major at a later date

2. national guard stationed in new york subways

3. bank of america going bankrupt

4. escalating network disruptions across the board.

5. sweden joining nato and nato operating in ukraine
They took the bait. The DOJ, DHS, and FBI servers going down is where they are keeping the crown jewels out of all the agencies.     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


And the dumb fucks didn't take down the email servers.

That is all.
Why What The Hales Are Being Persecuted And Threatened: When A Couple Accidentally Exposes A Multibillion Dollar Water Fraud Operation And Nationwide Money Laundering Scheme Run By The DNC     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 months ago


Heres the basics:
The DNC, on behalf of the chinese, ran investments in political campaigns across america since obama.
These were all local judges, local sheriffs, council members, commissioners, city and county seats.

You think they were the first to have their water jacked way up?

The cities, towns, and counties jack up prices for 'water units' and then hide it in the accounting through manipulating the numbers behind the price to unit quotient rates. This money is then funneled as 'taxes' into general funds, sometimes by converting to charter cities, among other tactics. Whats the difference between charter cities and general cities? Well general cities make their decisions in the light of day, and are subject to state and federal law. Charter cities? Their officials *set their own compensation* and can do so behind closed doors, along with keeping most other records and discussions private. Yes thats right, this and many other strategies are used to bilk the tax payer.

And how do I know this?

Because in 2021 I wrote a paper to the IRS exposing an exurb of cleveland that was running exactly this scheme, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Yes really.

Now, where is this money going? "Houses for starving artists", "genderqueer theory overseas for pakistanis" and a raft of other graft operations. Once this money is over seas, despite any and all laws, *in practice* it goes into a blackhole.

Major banks then launder this money back to america and overseas nations, including chinese cut corporations through hedge funds and forex swaps that they 'lose' on, in addition to donations through domestic individuals (both foreign and non-foreign birth) and front NGOS as political donations from unreported and unregistered foreign agents.

This goes to local PACs, which gets in turn donated to super PACs. And boom, fresh money.

When the hales came into town they disrupted a multimillion dollars operation, primarily based on water theft, which the entire town council appears to have been in on, courtesy of the DNC and whoever else.

And now they're under attack not because of a few tens of millions of dollars, but because their very presence and publicity threatens to draw attention to the entire scheme. If a single thread gets pulled, it all comes out into the open.
Except I'm pulling that thread right now.

Thats why the neurotic judge and county officials, including the sheriff's department, were so quick to go after them.

The money is being used to pay off chinese infrastructure debt, which is backing all their pensions.

This scheme is being run in thousands of small towns across america, yes really.

And now you know.

They kicked the hornets nest. Lets kick it some more.
Dauntless     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


I tasted fire
gravity-less, floated, alone, and comforted (by)
a golden teacher, and as I looked
at it, I realized it was just words.
Why for the need of others?
And what was at the center? Who is this other?
It all seems so meaningless.

the oversoul emerges
in the void, among the rain
the shadow cloaked in smoke
the surface, inscrutable, what wonder
who is this Unknown?

and out of the fog of reality
I emerge, dauntless.

the forest of the surreal appears, and parts
with relics, and treasures, for those brave
and through the glass I peer, and see the
bright fields of another year
and things become like crystal, clear.
If Aaron Bushnell were in fact a conservative, you would still see social media posts "found" touting antifa faggotry/making fun of dead service members. Think about the access intelligence agencies have to social media through their partnerships.     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


Think about it. It doesn't make sense to sympathize with people, soldiers or palestinians alike, only to make fun of dead soldiers and burn yourself alive.

We're being lied to.

What you're seeing come out of the "alternative media" like revolver, is in all likelihood state-department/west-coast propaganda.
We know nothing about Bushnell.

But we're gonna find out.
Generations - a poem     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


the embers of the old
will die away
and fading fast, washed away, by the
blazing light of a cold new dawning day
and all thats left is
the ash,
the ash of what once was.

And what is passed, is past,
and is then no more.
and nothing of it will last
even the memory will be like the invisible wind
felt, but forgotten. here, and gone.
leaving us with the sensation, of wondering
like looking at simple weathered stones
that once were headstones
and wondering who was buried there.

the past is a forgotten continent, the memory
of a myth, that lives in our imaginings of time,
and whence it is gone, the universe remembers it no more.
enigma, dust, and fantasy.
it has no belonging to the present, as if it never were,
perhaps never could be.

I am a stranger to myself.
And I a stranger to me.
And tomorrow I will be a stranger still,
to today, which like apocalypse, will cease, and I with it.

And all that we make, is all that we take,
is a time capsule, to preserve the absurdity of being.
How lonely must it be to be the universe, contemplating
itself forever, human lives like embers, through the eyes
of momentary living sparks. Nothing outside. Everything within.
As if an egg, a boltzmann egg, a cosmic monad. Maybe God, made us because he
was lonely. And on the letter, left at the doorstep. "A man from portnoy.
Address unknown. The nearest neighbor, the most distant office, the farthest temple.
With love. Yours always. All your Yesterdays and Tomorrow."
Guerilla Warfare Versus Messaging     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


The key to understanding guerilla warfare is this: for the guerilla, lets say 'you', it comes down to *only you*. No matter who dies, no matter how loyal or effective a second you have, no matter how sure things will go on without you, you have to be the last man standing, you have to survive, to be a fixed point for everyone else.

I really hate the cuban communists something fierce, but I always learn from enemies. If you read stories of che, actual stories (not the puff piece bullshit their regime put out lionizing him), he ran from countless battles, even abandoned people.

Because, like all guerillas, communist and noncommunist alike, he understood: you can't win if you're dead. You hit em, hit em hard, hit em fast, and get out. You fight the battles you can win and identify and avoid the individual fights you can't win. You cut losses wherever you have to, sort of like throwing luggage over board to keep an overloaded plane from crashing. The goal is to survive longer than the regime, to outrun them so to speak, while throwing sandbags on their back with every ambush.

Obligatory disclaimer though, I don't recommend anyone uses actual violence of course, nor break the law. Theres plenty of run way at this time for tactics and strategies within the scope of peaceful action and lawfare.

What else can you do?

Talk to people. No really. We need to have a national conversation about what to do with the federal regime. Use these words when talking to others, especially when they ask "well what can we do? Whats the plan?" You respond with "we need to have a national conversation about how to resist the unelected/illegitimate federal government."
If they press on the issue, or suggest anything concrete, you redirect to "well it all starts by spreading the word. We have to have people talking about this. About what to do."
And just repeat for any challenge. What you want is as many people in the state of mind specifically asking "well what do we do?"

Because once you do, they've already skipped past the "should we do something?" stage, thats been short-circuited. Action is thus a foregone conclusion once you get someone into that frame of mind.

So it is, pardon the candor, fucking critical to get AS MANY people as possible in that exact same of mind. What you do is flood the zone with this, "we need to start talking to people. get the word out. We need to have a conversation about how to resist an out of control government."
Verbatim. Word for word.

You can add the peaceful/lawabiding disclaimer like I do, or not, but its probably a good idea fwiw.

This practice, of getting people to spread a message that spreads to others, as a strategy is called the "groundswell effect", and is necessary to prepare the proper groundwork for an effective mass movement and recruitment phase.
Prepare the ground correctly, with a big enough push, and no amount of misdirection, redirection, appointed leaders, or astroturfed 'out of the blue' "organic" leaders like so much of the alt right, no amount of them can divide it. It's why for example, in the area of politics, the tea party, rather than being destroyed, had to be absorbed by the right half of the regime's uniparty.
It was the only thing they could do. I think the long term strategy is to repeat this process over and over again, tea party -> absorbed, maga -> absorbed, civic nationalism -> absorbed, and by so doing it effectively splinter the u.s. government politically, but I'm going off on a tangent.

Likewise, I've just highlighted the application of the groundswell effect to politics as an example, but it can be used for any sort of campaign, social, political, religious, or any other domain.

Talk groups, prayer groups, meeting in member's houses as private discussion groups, barbecues, group-event meets, parking-lot meets, anything that 1. gets people face-to-face, 2. gets them to hear the necessary message, 3. recruits them to spread the message.

Once that becomes widespread, the regime sees writing is on the wall, and has to either double down significantly enough that it provokes an organized response from the american public, or else capitulate. And if it capitulates, overnight its seen as a paper tiger and any and all mandates it and the institutions pass become void and unenforceable. The ability to project fear, authority, and control vanishes.

It's why you see so many shills come in "that can never work!", "we need a PLAN!", "oh so you think you're in charge?", "don't tell us what to do!" etc, when people start to discuss any of this. The tactics and speechs they ridicule is the tactics and speech they are afraid of. Why? Because those are what will be most effective against them.

Start in everyday life with "we need to spread the word about how to limit/stop the unelected/illegitimate government."
And "we need to have a national conversation."
"The Day Before The Flood" - a poem     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


grief, like a beast, tears things down.
and mincemeat is all thats left
the teeth marks of circumstance, what life took
like chunks from the thigh, leaves you bloody
the world takes its pound of flesh
and makes a carnival of the massacre
and calls it ceremony.

heathens celebrating, mock solemn
the seriousness of their arbitrary rites
whatever gods they worship are silent, and departed
whatever gods they worship are not in their heaven.

angels would weep for the mercy we are granted
while lesser men, average men, sleep peaceable in their beds
unflinching at the spectacle we make
the undoing of all our souls.

to be a fly on the wall
of the sausage factory.

we call it civilization.
all the barbarians always did
from the time of the written word.
to the cities of steel and towers of glass.
stabbing at the sky
stabbing at each other
like we always have
disfiguring the horizon
disfiguring ourselves

without thought, and unbecoming
as if this was always our nature.

love is sacrilege in a (such a) world
where we have forgotten ourselves
and erased our history, that the
wheel may continue turning, the
organ grinder wheel.

Hubris to lift up the stars,
wherever we dare call man, kind.
Challenging the universe, indifferent
to repay us in kind, annihilating,
a race of hollow men.

and we have built our own tombs
made of ourselves a monument to our own sins
there is no ghost in the shell, if there ever was
only the shell (remains).

the spirit has departed, like flame from the ember
to leave a darker world (now) cold, and kindle no further flame,
(in all of eternity's ancient millenia that yet remains.)
these sightless beings, who blinded themselves
and can no longer see the promised future
sold it for a pennymeiser's lot, coins scattered like ashes
at judas' funeral.

and there was no one left attend, or send them on their way.
they like he, died alone, accursed, and fulfilled his rightful dues.

the gods of the copybook headings return.
"till kingdom come" they final, say
and they too numb to even know (or tell) apart
(their own) judgment day.
Marxist austin is dying. Good riddance.     (mansworldmag.online)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


Dumbshit western communist puppet trying to subvert russia, died in prison. No fucks given.     (www.msn.com)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


Blackeyed Susan - None Of It Matters     (yewtu.be)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


There was a time, once in my life
I was a lot like you
I lied to myself, I hid from the truth
Yeah, I was a lot like you

I lived like a king, I acted the fool
Thought I was satisfied
Betrayed by a kiss, is that all there is
None of it really matters

What a way to live your life
When you gonna get enough
Why you always keeping score
'Cause you ain't all that tough

All of your gold, all of your toys
None of it matters
Look at yourself in your little world
None of it matters
You've got a destination
You've got a reservation
None of it matters

You looked at her and she looks away
She's not impressed with you
Not like before, so open your eyes
You can't buy her happiness
You might also like
Blackeyed Susan
Blackeyed Susan
Ride With Me
Blackeyed Susan
Tell me what you do it for
Don't you ever feel ashamed
All you ever want is more
When you getting off the train

All of your gold, all of your toys
None of it matters
Look at yourself in your little world
None of it matters
You've got a destination
You've got a reservation
None of it matters

She don't want your diamond rings
She wants to feel alive
She's more than just a pretty thing
She needs love, she's a human being

Come on!

You've got a destination
You've got a reservation

All of your gold, all of your toys
None of it matters
Look at yourself in your little world
None of it matters
All right!
None of it matters
None of it matters

All of your gold, all of your toys
None of it matters
(None of it matters)
Look at yourself in your little world
None of it matters
('Cause none of it matters)

All of your gold, all of your toys
None of it matters
(None of it matters)
Look at yourself in your little world
None of it matters
(None of it matters)

All of your gold, all of your toys
None of it matters
(None of it matters)
Look at yourself in your little world
None of it matters

None of it matters
None of it matters
None of it matters
None of it matters
The cockroaches doing this shit deserve the worst consequences.     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


A modest proposal: The convoy heading to eagle pass could pick up illegals by the hundreds, and dump them in front of senator's homes. I envision fund raising to pay for unending busses, bringing continuous waves of these people to senator's and congressmen's neighborhoods, for *years* on end.     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


Also to the neighborhoods of the executives of HAIS, SPLC, ACLU, and ADL.

Expand from there, do it to the tv executives, and the pharmaceutical executives.

A full time job, just ruining their lives, destroying their property value, making their neighbors hate them, and permanently taking away their peace of mind.

Busses arriving, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 30-31 days a month, 12 months a year. For ten years straight.

Maybe 100-500 new arrivals practically on the front doorstep of everyone mentioned, every single day. And when they beg to stop, when they do everything in their power to stop, we just use hierarchy of cell to continue the organizations efforts of bringing busloads of foreigners to their doorstep--for so long they begin to wonder if they're cursed.

The purpose isn't to get them to change. The purpose is to make examples out of all of them. So every congressman, every senator, every executive who looks at these bills destroying the border, raising taxes, suppressing one half of the american public, all of it--every one of them says "john, if I vote for this, tomorrow I'll have 500 illegals, drug addicts, schizos, and criminals shitting on my family doorstep. And 500 more added to that the day after. They'll send them to my summer home. They'll send them to my son's university. They'll send them to my wife's grandparents. I can't approve this bill."

Weaponize the illegals, the crazies, the drug addicts, the bums.

It's not about making demands anymore. It's about an eye for an eye.
Some simple guesstimates looking awfully relevant more than a year later.     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


Type any 4 digit number followed by "new cases" into google. It will show you bullshit articles about corona. It's an astroturf module they setup and left in place by accident.     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 3 months ago


Courtesy of kiwifarms.

Lack of internet archives for the pages too.

There was a rumor a while back adjacent to the 'dead internet theory.'
Something to the effect that intelligence agencies, tied into major tech companies like google and amazon, could generate *entire websites*, complete with sundry bullshit articles, from whole cloth, backdated, on whatever subject the incoming referrer indicated the user searched for.

I'm starting to believe the rumors were true.

New slogan suggestion 'every illegal alien imported is a vote stolen from you'     (whatever)

submitted by prototype to whatever 4 months ago


some runners up for those still invested in elections:
'every illegal alien imported is a social security check stolen from your wallet.'
'every illegal alien imported is a job stolen from your children.'
'every illegal alien imported is a vote for biden to remain in the whitehouse.'
'every illegal alien imported is another endorsement for the GOP to continue tacitly endorsing the uniparty.'

Today's Censorship Is Personal     (brownstone.org)

submitted by prototype to whatever 4 months ago