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Member for: 1.7 years

scp: 3718 (+5523/-1805)
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score: 5611

The kind of people who exist at the far ends of success and failure (dependant upon their Intelligence Quotient) are the "Dark Empaths", who score highly on Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy, Sadism, and Empathy (Specifically, the sub-facet of Cognitive Empathy).     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 weeks ago


At High IQ levels, these individuals seem to win effortlessly, but at Low IQs, they seem to fail miserably.

The difference IQ makes is that at high levels they will form long term plans and commit themselves to them, and wind up at the highest levels of society.

At low levels they will pursue immediate gains over general benefit, and end up filling up the prisons and slums.
Another time Hollywood jews told on themselves through a little seen film     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


They like to tell om themselves with movies that nobody watches     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


What happens if you waste your life     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


He longs to return to the fields of battle      (youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


Come and bask in the sexually frustrated misogyny of those fated to be forever alone.     (incels.is)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


Wome work as providers for their kings, men stay at home and guard the den.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


If military recruitment was honest     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


Morality explained      (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


If there is a universal goal to life, it is to increase the number of organisms that express genetic traits that are similar to your own, and to increase the number of similar genetic traits that are expressed by those other organisms.

Increase the number of organisms with phenotypes in common to yourself, and increase the number of common phenotypes that coexist within those other organisms.

To this end, many organisms have developed internal systems of reward and punishment that reward them for experiencing perceived conditions that are associated with the increased capacity to fulfill their life's mission to a greater extent, and punish them for experiencing perceived conditions that are associated with the reduction of their ability to fulfill their life's mission to the greater extent.

What motivates all human action are two sets of neurochemicals, reward chemicals that make us feel happiness and pleasure, and punishment chemicals that cause us pain and misery, we are all neurochem addicts chasing the highs and trying to avoid the lows that are given to us by our own brains as a mean of driving us toward what success is on evolutionary terms.

All that we associate with feeling good or bad is merely a proxy for these chemicals that are the actual thing which makes us feel in these ways. We are all monkeys on juice.

The operant conditioning of our joys and sorrows is our desires and fears, these too take many forms, but we are conditioned to pursue some things and avoid other things, the "things" being the perceived existence of certain conditions, usually experiences we are having, have had in the past, or could be having in the future. Some we act to cause, others we act to prevent.

These conditions include the behaviors of others, we feel good or bad in response to what we perceive as being the conduct of other people, and this can motivate us to take actions accordingly to cultivate behaviors on others that make us feel good, but more often we are motivated to take actions to rescue behaviors of others that make us feel bad.

Thus is the essence of our personal moral instinct, what others do makes us feel in certain ways, because of neurochemicals being released in response to perceived environmental stimuli such as the actions of others, because certain environmental condition such as how others are behaving impact our ability to propagate genes similar to our own, particulary our phenotypes.

When we talk about empathy sympathy, conscience, outrage, vengeance, or a sense of justice, all these and more are merely the expressions of evolutionarily programmed releases of neurological chemistry that produces emotion or sensation responses in us, precisely to motivate us to take the actions we've undertaken that help us pursue better conditions for our genetic cause as exists as the standard of the game of life according to evolution.

When we talk about the "objective morality" that conservatives continually refer to, we are actually talking about the moral consensus of our culture and society.

Yes, there are certain primal desires that we have programmed into us from birth, and they are associated with the instinctive needs we have for the survival and procreation of ourselves, our genetic kin, and the potential sources of mates for each.

But what we have in terms of our moral culture, is the interaction of the preferences of many individuals interacting with one another, and finding a common ground where they are complimentary in terms of game theory.

Basically, we are against killing and stealing because we all agreed that we dislike the prospect of being killed or stolen from, basically when humans form a collective, their rules are made to satisfy the negative desires, or fears, of the individual members of that collective.

We place fears above desires when making rules because we perceive our fears as greater, same as we perceive a loss far more intensely than we perceive a gain.
For most of us, life is full of many gains that we feel very faintly, and a few losses which we feel very strongly.

Speaking of which, there are a few primal fears that we get born with, but we have most of our fears as the result of conditioning, we have learned to hate things, same as we have learned to love most of the things that we love. It's part and parcel of living within a society, or any human collective.

Any moral system out there breaks down into egoism when subject to a line of socratic questioning.

It all ultimately reduces down to personal preference, to the value judgement of an individual, typically the one advocating their ethical system or the one who they are proposing it towards.

"What is the nature of morality? What constitutes good or evil?"

And then we ask why they or I should want that, and so on, and at the end it's either "because that's what I want" or "because that's what you would want".

Conservatives hate this, that all that motivates people are subjective experiences relative to their point of observation, that personal feelings are all the things which make us think and act as we do, and that these exist in us because they allow us to increase the number of other being like ourselves, and to increase how much like ourselves such beings would be.

Because conservatives are exactly like the liberals they present themselves in comparison to: they are merely the religious counterpart of their establishment-approved ideological alternative.

Both are a bunch of autistic retards that exist as a clique more than as a group holding any consistent ideological position on anything.

The Bible says nothing about pedophilia and when it speaks of slavery its explicitly encouraged rather than condemned.

Yet the biggest sales campaign of the republicans of today is their opposition to both racism and child abuse. These aren't biblically sound positions to take. Yet they portray this as being due to their religious foundations for morality.

It's not religious, it's peer pressure. These assholes are just like the opposition, for them high school had never ended.
Anarchist cookbook is available for free online, as are military training manuals, off-grid/pepper guidebooks/maps, and many more useful items of information.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


I suggest intelligence manuals detailing spycraft, learn how the Cia does it in other nations, so you can do it in your own.
Soft boy era: women being the providers for their men while men stay at home raising the kids. If the gender roles are switching, they better switch across the board. Turns out that foids DO have something left to offer men in exchange for commitment - and that's their paychecks!     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


Women are economically advantaged over men.

If older women want a man to provide a family to them and prevent them from becoming a genetic dead end, they can offer to pay for it.

If a younger slut wants us to ignore her past riding the cock carousel and hoeing it up on onlyfans, she can pay me to look the other way.

Either way, me raising a bitch's bastard kids for her will cost her extra, and I will only do it if they look enough like me that I can pass them off in public as being my own.

We're manchildren, peter pans, and the best the pre-/post-wall foids can get.

It doesn't matter anymore how much we turn them on, their options are gone and time is running out.

Drizzle drizzle.

We'll do the cooking and cleaning, we'll be the ones at home raising our children, spending the money our wives make for us at their jobs.

And as with everything else, men will be better at it than women ever could be.
Questions about the holocaust witnesses     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


Why are they all jews?

Jews were the number one target of the regime, so they'd be the ones most focused on when it came to killing, and the majority of those who were prisoners in the camps weren't Jewish.

We should be hearing from gypsies, slavics, homosexuals, the disabled, german communists, any of them should be far more represented among witnesses than jews.

Where are all the testimonials from jewish witnesses who said that there was no genocide attempts made or that they had no clue as to whether genocide was being carried out in those camps?

From what we now know, Spielberg and his team poured through many interviews tapes and only pulled out a minority of them, as most said that nothing had been witnessed by them except that they were being held prisoner and made to work.

How to succeed: 1. Don't fuck up. How to fix your life if you fuck it up: 1. You can't. 2. It's all downhill from here, best you can do is lessen the rate of how fast everything will get worse by.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


Christianity described In an analogy     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


In high school there was a sensitive kindhearted kid who was nerdy and had come from a poor and abusive family.

He was tormented daily by a bully that was the complete opposite of himself, he was cruel and selfish, a jock and had come from a loving family with what we colloquially refer to as "fuck you" levels of money.

The kid had a teacher who comforted him, this teacher assured him that in the future the kid would have a much better life than that of his tormentor, all he has to do is carry on and not seek any sort of vengeance upon his bully. Life would reward him for his hardships.

In exchange for this comfort and hope, the teacher had the kid serve him as his personal pet, an errand boy, basically a slave, he was told that it was good experience for him which would aid him later in life.

This lasted for a time until the teacher had one day retired, and told the kid he'd get back into contact with him one day.

The days went on and he made it to graduation, hoping that now his life would turn around.

His bully won a full ride scholarship, while the kid was forced into flipping burgers and cleaning toilets to fund his way through school.

At college, the bully got all the girls and had many friends, and the kid was forever alone, barely tolerated by those around him.

After graduation, the bully got his dream job, the kids career never took off, he was a wageslave for the rest of his life, being a gopher for his teacher was useless for getting ahead in life.

He was now in his midlife, and everything was terrible for him, and wonderful for his HS tormentor.

He was driven to try and contact his old teacher who assured him things would be better. When contacted, his teacher acted like he had completely forgotten him, because he had, and decided to use the phone call to blame the kid for his own shitty life, and for trying to shift that blame unto others, as if the world owed him anything.

He made the kid apologize for bothering him and then forgave him for being a nuisance to him.

The teacher reminded him of that one day before he retired when he threw out his back and still had to teach, how much it hurt for him during that week.
Telling the kid that whenever he thinks he's suffering, to think about how much his teacher suffered during that week for the sake of providing an education to children who may not have even appreciated it.
The kid was one of those students, so that he should feel appreciative of being forgiven for bothering his teacher about a promise he supposedly made even long after he's retired.
The teacher said he'd not answer the kid if he called him, but would totally call the kid back someday when he wasn't busy. He never would make good on this promise.

Then the kid received a phone call, from his old bully, apologizing for how he had treated the kid when they were both young. The kid was still too weak to refuse to forgive the guy, or talk about how the bully helped make the rest of his life terrible, the bully would die without even being tormented by guilt, as he could now forgive himself for his he had acted.

The kid did ask his bully for some money though, but he didn't get enough of it to prevent his life from returning to the status quo.

Then both the kid and bully died of old age, the kid surrounded by care workers, the bully by his family and friends. The state covered the kids funeral, the bully was buried in the plot of his family estate.

Christianity is being the kid, always looking to the future, suffering the present, expecting shit to change one day without your input, assured of a future victory that would never come, and feeling good about being weak and pathetic, wishing you could be even moreso.

There's a reason the new atheists referred to it as a form of insanity.
Joe vs Jordan on incels     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


Petersons opinion on incels:

Rapepill incels have a point: If you have no money because you can't get a job, why not steal what you want? A job is a relationship - it depends upon entering into an agreement with another person, someone who has power over you in withholding their consent to that agreement.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


But you can always circumvent the arrangement that exists in our culture by one simple act:

Using force to take what you want/need.

You know the thing that you hoped to get? That which caused you to try to form a relationship in the first place?

To get it, you can simply take it from the other party.

It's not a "lack of consent" so much as it is establishing a new agreement that is more favorable to your terms - if they give you want you want, they get to avoid being harmed by you, or alternatively, if you can take it from them without them being able to stop you, its yours.
Must read      (incels.wiki)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 1 month ago


Reminder that Easter is named for the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar, and is a co-opted pagan festival that has nothing to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Which had occurred at a time that was far later in the year, according to biblical historians.     (whatever)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 months ago


The Catholics took the festivals of pagans and made up stories about why they were now celebrations of Jesus.

These reasons were all pulled out the ass for the purpose of co-opting the festivals that were being enjoyed by the local populations, events that they were reluctant to let go of.

So the church found a way they could practice a fearival for a pagan God, while pretending they were celebrating Jesus and his pals in the Christian gospels instead.

For example, Samhain was remade as Halloween, or "all saints day", because it was a day for honoring the saints.

All of these events were lazily pasted over with a thin veneer of Christianity, and these hackjobs were done with such a low level of effort that the pagan nature of the "holiday" is clearly evident and Christians simply pretend not to see it.

In Easter's case, this extends even to the name of the occasion.
Zoomer grunge      (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 months ago


Nevada     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 months ago


Rusty cage     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 months ago


Rat empathy     (youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 months ago


Thoughts on this guy whose videos I keep getting in my algorithm for some reason?     (youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 months ago


Perception vs perspective     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 months ago


The student isn't confused, the preacher is, he can't comprehend any worldview but his own.     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 2 months ago


Life began with self replicating organisms, whose replications would produce new organisms with slightly different DNA from themselves due to mutations, but the majority of the DNA of the new organism produced would be inherited from their parent(s).

Under certain conditions the probability of replication would improve for these organisms, while under other circumstances these chances would decrease.

Organisms who were more likely to act in ways that would produce conditions that made then more likely to replicate would replicate more often.

Thus the organisms would develop an internal system of reward and punishment to incentivize them to seek out the circumstances most favorable to their potential at replication.

Hence, we have reward emotions and sensations like happiness and pleasure, as well as those for punishment like pain and misery. We also have the state of desire that causes us to seek out the reward states, and the state of fear that causes us to avoid the punishment states.

This extended not only to the replication of our own DNA, but also to the replication of our kin, with whom our DNA is shared due to our most probable degree of relation to them.

There is no morality, only emotional and sensations, only rewards, punishments, the desire for the former, and the fear of the latter.

The student pursues his own happiness above all, and by the same principle he avoids his own misery, he loves his sister, and so whatever she feels causes him to feel the same way, thus her happiness or misery is his own.

When his sister is raped, she feels sadness, this makes him sad as well, and he desires to cause suffering to the rapist because it would make him happy if he were to do so, the rapist would fear an encohter with the student as a result of the threat he poses.

No morality involved, it's just people pursuing their own happiness and avoiding their own misery. All in alignment with the principles of evolution. Each character of this story acts in ways most conducive to the replication of genes within the society in which they live. And their feelings and sensations drive them to their actions.

When we look at the net effect of people each acting on their own personal preferences, we see the emergence of a common culture among these people that represents the generalized consensus of all the individual preferences found within that collective.

As certain acts are responded to with a desire to kill or otherwise bring harm upon the perpetrators these actions, the types of individuals who wouod perpetrate these kinds of acts are either wiped out or eliminated become a minority, and the acts themselves become pretty universally accepted as being wrong among the surviving members of that society.

FYI we are currently seeing 2 wars being fought in the news whete people are killing other people over a disagreement wirh each other's preferences being in confluct with their own.