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Member for: 3.6 years

scp: 4460 (+6116/-1656)
ccp: 5988 (+8362/-2374)
votes given: 1965 (+1645/-320)
score: 10448


Your showing your insecurity. If you truly thought they were subhuman and below you they wouldn't inspire hate. Be aware dislike their behavior and get them out if your society but blind hate for an entire group is intellectually weak.

Now jews that's a different story if we are curb stomping jew babies in the near future the white race is done. Blacks would never have been an issue with out jew interference

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=670da8f458fe4

Didn't know that.. thanks for the info

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=670da8f458fe4

Lol... if you truly felt superior to blacks you wouldn't feel the need to hate them it would be like hating a retarded person.. do I hate their culture and their general criminal ghetto shit yes.

But this nigger nigger nigger ridiculous shit reeks of insecurity

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=670da8f458fe4

If it were real white man's greatest achievement was making 6 million jews vanish is 4 years with out keeping any record making lamps out of jew skin making a masturbation machine that killed jews... making a roller coaster that killed jews making a pit where bears and eagles worked together to kill jews..

Making soap out of jews... using 1940s tech to completely burn all the 6 million with no mass pits.

Having no one write about it in their books about ww2 never talking about it while being spied on and not knowing they were spied on for at least 2 years.

Ya if whites did that holy shit that is an impossible feat they pulled off

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=670cca418ad8d

The 109 attempts at wiping Satan's minions off the face of the earth we need 110 to work that will be white man's greatest achievement

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=670cca418ad8d

Shut the fuck up you kike shill bot... it's not demonization have you looked into the moon landing hoax at all.. there are so many fucking logical fallacies and just out right impossible stuff it can't be ignored..

The space bullshit is so you don't believe in a good and believe goverment controlled by jews is your God.

The fact you got 5 up votes shows you have a brigade of jew kike fucking shills pushing your bullshit. You probably are friends with honkymcniggerdicksucker

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=670cca418ad8d

So how many of those doctors need to be tried and hung?

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=670cf1a1d2fc9

If you believe we went to the moon with 196o technology you are the dumbest type of usefull idiot on the planet.

The jew says you are anti white if you call out the moon landing hoax when ever you see those shills or bots they use Saul alynskys rules for radicals the same way honkymcniggerdicksucker and his crew of jews call out Owen benjamin<<< who promotes whites to get married have lots of kids stop jerking off get moral get guns get off grid homesteads and get out of the jew system... and you wonder why jews like honkymcniggerdicksucker hates him.

Anyways here are my top ten reasons why the moon landing is total bullshit

Sure keep believeing that fucking fairy tale.. we went to the moon with less computing power then a fucking walmart wrist watch.

Also the moonlanding story is fucking hillarious.

Every ounce of weight mattered on the original moooon landings. Yet they took a fucking dunemoonbuggy and a golf club!! Lol

They did a live broadcast with a phone call to the president on live tv with almost no delay perfect worked perfect

They went through the van allen radiation belts in a tin and aluminum hull! Lol and 3 different nasa astrounaghts recently said we dont have the technology to get through the van allen belts now one said we would need 5 foot thick lead shield.

Not one picture from the moon or the flight that shows stars for some reason.

The greatesr human achievment and nasa recorded over the telemtry data! Sure right good one lol.

Almost no clear good pictures of the earth from the moon and not one picture of an astronaught with the earth in the back ground

One timeline with modern technology said 20 years to get to the moon in 1969 they did it faster i guess they had really good tech back then! Lol

The rock buzz aldrin gave to a museum in holland was petrified wood. Lol!

In the interview after they got back one astrobaught said i dont remember seeing any stars! Lol go out and lokk at the sky u will see stars now imagine being on the moon with no atmospher and saying you couldnt see stars

They fucking way they talk during their time on the moon sounds more like guys going to the beach not guys 290,000 miles from earth in the vacum of space where any tiny mistep is certain death. Go back and listen and realise there is no fucking way they should be that gib and relaxed.

Im sure there is more but those 10 things should at least make you raise your eyebrows and think maybe something is not right

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=670cca418ad8d

Is hey James associated with the honkymcniggerdicksucker faggot if so he is a shill... if not I am thinking of the wrong person.

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=670bcec00e2bf

The comments on anything I post are negative it's crazy how the shill accounts work around here.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=670a33bdea24b

The insanity of our press and goverment are beyond belief. We need to just escalate and move things for ward.

Name Isreal as the 51st state make it the capitol make anti semtism a hanging offense if some one says anything bad about jews hang them in the street publicaly...

The normies have to be woken up and it's not going to happen when the jews have trillions controlling the MEEPAC


/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=670a53fb011c5

We might vote for a woman if it was not the lowest class retarded lying do nothing whore of a woman

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=67072817deb0d

The top 12 white players in the world would absolutely destroy the top 12 black players.

It ain't nigger ball it was invented by white men. Niggers have natural animal low iq instincts that work at the basically and high levels.

But the truly high levels whites flourish.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=67068a5e74213

Couldn't agree more faggots on all sides and it all started because some idiot woman overreacted...

/v/UpliftingNews viewpost?postid=6705d43237896

Wow I've seen both like both and never made the connection...

Thanks for posting op

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6705a1557de79

It doesnt... jews are not happy. Rich white people are the most drugged up and psychologically fucked up people. Narricist that are never satisfied. The guy from Mexico that works with me some times is much more mentally healthy then many of the wealthiest people

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=6705ad9b89739

The really fucked up thing diversity is our greatest strength is actually true but they inverted it.

Diverse human cultures that stick to their own raced would make the world a much better place. We would have true diversity of genetics and cultures.

But the jew turned diversity into mixing of races until it is all one grey person dystopia ruled by the devils children

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=6705ad9b89739

I invented the hamdog in way way back around 2001 or 2002... in Mexico a street vendor ran out of hot dog buns so he shaped a patty into a hotdogs bun shape and gave it to my friend

His nickname was hamdog from then on

/v/ChatChronicles viewpost?postid=6703dea30b68d

The sad thing about the debate is this...

The bar was so insanely low for biden and Harris especially biden if he didn't literaly shit his pants and say clown world shit he won.

Kamal toe Harris that slut cock sucking retarded whore some how didn't act like a total fuckkng retard therefore she won.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=6701b36766f75

I just noticed a Satan hive by me had all kinds of shit going up... cones security trailers like you see at construction sights guess the kikes didn't pay for that shit

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=6701acae37847

Jewish international bankers and communist working together.

If the kalgeri plan is a fake it was spot on.

I think some non whites realized around the Civil War if white America was not destroyed whites would take over the world.

So the jews with probably help from Arabs and maybe Asians non Japanese Asians came up with a plan.

I think it has worked wildly beyond their beliefs because anytime before mass media it could not have worked.

Jews taking over the movies radio etc. The thing I call the MEEPAC MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATION PORN ADVERTISING COMPLEX <<< That is their weapon of mass destruction.

The only way they could beat whites was through brainwashing and trickery the things jews excel at

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66ffce7415b63

Reagan got us to 1 trillion in debt
Iran contra he was a fucking criminal
Hollywood jew lover
He basically created the bloods and crips
Just say no was fucking retarded

The list is endless and the boomers still love this piece of shit loser

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66fd65c714c9c

Modern women in a nutshell.

Emotional children in adult bodies that think they are always right and at the same time are always the victim. They are narricist with emotional issues super insecure and no empathy for other humans they are not real they just need to feel good for any amount of time to end the dread that is their narrisistic hell.

Ask me how I know all this

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=66fe89277dde5

Look up payday Monsanto if you want to here what real blacks think about jews and who run everything. His lyrics are inspiring to say the least. He is still on YouTube somehow

/v/music viewpost?postid=66fd38f0e5a84