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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 2689 (+2802/-113)
ccp: 4740 (+5106/-366)
votes given: 15548 (+13459/-2089)
score: 7429


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look at the maintenance requirements for this shit. that's the problem - it's of limited use in actual war.

/v/Military viewpost?postid=665bb508ee15d

are you kidding this is not an edit?

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=665bb40bda96e

It's worth noting that the US, despite tough talk, is nowhere near capable militarily of driving those kinds of numbers. Unless they start flinging nukes wantonly you won't see anything like that. The USA is unstable and the opposing forces in the world know it - their intent is to help knock it over before it can cause any further trouble to the rest of the world. The USA is the great destabilizing force in the world right now and the world has figured out that it's unable to defend its position.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=665a1cc40a075

it's not. the USA is just trying whatever it can to extend the war until past the election. it's already over and they know it but they also know that they will lose control of the government if they take another loss like this before the election.

the Russians will probably not accommodate them.

/v/War viewpost?postid=6659cf1653ce8

Ukraine's army is almost gone and they're losing 1500-2000 per day right now. It's basically over whenever Russia decides it is - they have hundreds of thousands of fresh troops they can send in whenever. The press/internet retards have mostly not understood that Russia is just destroying the opposing army - they do not care about territory. They measure progress in how many tanks/guns/men of the opposing army they destroy. They understand that once the opposing army is gone you can take whatever territory you want. No one can say for sure when Russia will decide to wrap it up but when they make that decision it'll happen fast. i think july. NATO can't do shit about it.

/v/NewWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6658bb1e30609

They don't realize that the USA has been over for four years as far as non-Democrats are concerned. His support is not because anyone gives two shits about his policy it's because they said you aren't allowed to vote for him. They genuinely do not understand what they are doing - this is going to be rather tragic.

/v/Trump viewpost?postid=6658f02705c6d

the only part that matters to me is measuring the level of delusion in the public because that is directly proportional to how out of control this will be getting in the very near future. right now it looks super bad. these people have no idea what they are doing it's unconscionable.

/v/Trump viewpost?postid=6658f02705c6d

searched for the name of the event on yandex.com. posted a youtube above with good video of people surfing there from another time

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665915f2bb538

Here's a video with good footage of people surfing at this spot - but in March, not summer, and not of this event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idMXYT1cUE4

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665915f2bb538

This appears to have some real footage - animated clip of a guy walking out under snow lmao

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665915f2bb538

I don't think that's a photo from the actual event, but I'm going to look around.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665915f2bb538

the USA is mad that Russia appears to be planning to wrap the war up before the november election. Our jew administration only cares about pushing the defeat until past the election, because when it happens Biden is officially done. They are hoping to escalate as a way to extend the fighting for this reason - it's really that simple.

The good news is that Russia is the one in charge and will do what they want regardless of NATO. They don't take the bait because it is meant to distract them from their operation - they are disciplined and professional in war strategy. You'll see when it's over how badly they've defeated the West.

/v/NewWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6658bb1e30609

Dmitry Suslov is just some random guy saying his opinion. He has no connection or representation of the government.

/v/NewWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6658bb1e30609

good. hate speech shouldn't exist. and anyone white living in South Africa chose their path.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=66588d3706b0d

Russia is stronger than NATO. NATO wanting to "break up Russia" is like a jv football player saying he's gonna fuck up the toughest team in the NFL. It really do be like that.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=6658ba406926a

ironically women's college basketball is far more watchable than WNBA. How is the professional league infinitely worse than the college game? Says it all.

/v/Sports viewpost?postid=6658cca9532fd

jews are promoting the anti-semitism shit right now (really - I don't have time to explain why) BUT that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the spectacle of the largest audience media sharing fucking Hitler speachers in an AI-generated English voice.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=66588c9e783ae

it's mostly about how much of cunts women are. The WNBA is the most unwatchable bullshit imaginable.

/v/Sports viewpost?postid=6658cca9532fd

And it will continue until people actually believe it matters and do something about it. What do you do? Build up alternatives. Baseball is the most American shit in the world and easy to play. IF you really want to revive American culture properly start baseball leagues. Like real, professional teams. Set rules and customs and follow them. Attend and cover them in media you create.

/v/Sports viewpost?postid=6658cca9532fd