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Member for: 1.6 years

scp: 633 (+1038/-405)
ccp: 876 (+1923/-1047)
votes given: 1956 (+1395/-561)
score: 1509


Cats aren't loyal pets, they arent even considered fully domesticated. This cat is doing what it wants.

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=66490c2b2c32e

It was the inspiration behind the fake 'Dilophosaurus' as dinosaurs are yet another jewish myth. This dino had a frilled neck and spat poison!

/v/Reptiles viewpost?postid=6648a7e955113

Blackpills are the only pills that offer truth. Harsh times create strong men, accelerationism is the way.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=66473ddcc595a

World population statistics are fabricated. Take india as an example. Look at the population of Indians in all of their major cities then do the math. The math dictates that over 1 billion Indians must be living in shanties outside city limits. That is simply absurd to believe as cities have the densest amounts of population. Who controls the flow of information on statistics? kikes.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=66473ddcc595a

The LGBTQ has been quite vocal on the NSDAP burning early LGBTQ propaganda, forcing most of the queers and "sexologists" to flee to places like San Fransisco, which turned these places into the new hub for LGBTQ propaganda.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6647ca34603cf

But in jewish run societies, having a female nigger driver is another inevitability.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66478287450be

The jew has hammered into normal fags how evil the nazis were for book burning yet nobody ever brings up the fact that jews control what gets published to the masses. You cant burn a book if it is completely censored from the start. The jew controls more than just the news.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6647ca34603cf

Without a doubt you faggots also love Star Trek and Star Wars. Gobbling up all of that space propaganda. You probably believe aliens could be real too.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6646b3d6e8983

Musk scammed US tax payers with his idiotic hyperloop idea. Scamming people with his shitty Tesla's that will help the jews control Whiteys movements.

Fuck, you idiots are in a cult and don't even know it.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6646b3d6e8983

The only help for a faggot or tranny is deconversion therapy. The kikes have labelled deconversion therapy as inhumane though as only kikes can have the monopoly over brainwashing Whites.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=664609b502cf8

White societies cater to troons and faggots.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=664609b502cf8

You misspelt running. The kikes havent ruined any of their plans. They still have full control.

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=66439177a0013

Actually. Being called a nigger is a victim card used all the time to justify nigger behaviour and they ALWAYS get away with it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66435e5957070

That is referring to subsaharan niggers in Africa during the 1970s. That green text was a copy and paste from a blog done by a liberal journalist who lived in Africa during the 70s and redpilled himself on niggers. In a short time the niggers that have infected White societies have since gained the ability to think abstractly. This is all thanks to kikes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66435e5957070

Id argue that the initial punch left her too dazed and confused to operate the vehicle in a safe manner so fearing for her life she had to resort to self defence which also snapped her out of confusion enabling her to drive of.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664171f10c79a

"Here is a video from a jewish institution that I submit as proof" ~ globetards

/v/science viewpost?postid=6640fcbd88a30

You're simply in a cult. I can acknowledge that niggers have a lower iq than Whites while maintaining that niggers have gained intelligence, the ability to produce abstract thought and problem solving. This is a lot of development for the nigger over the past 100 years while Whites have regressed and allow jews free reign over White societies which has led to the intergration of niggers into White civilization.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663fe6c592ae6

Based niggers is direct evidence that the theory of evolution is incorrect. It didnt take niggers thousands to millions of years to develop abstract thoughts and intergrate into White societies.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=663fe6c592ae6

How do you people not realize you are regurgitating dogmatic belief like your in a cult?

/v/science viewpost?postid=663ef6b0f12e1

Yet the propaganda hit piece Barbie generated over 1.5 Billion just in box office sales alone. Warner Brothers are practically printing money for themselves and a 200m hit is nothing when money comes second to pumping out propaganda for goyim.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=663e105601f11

The claim is that the First amendment is supported yet in the past 8 years both Biden and Trump signed bills to combat anti-semitism. Both Republicans and Democrats want to censor criticisms made about jews. That is the opposite of supporting the First amendment.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663ea70f439b0

The jew psychologically trained Whites to enjoy violence like a nigger but never to utilize violence against the jew.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=663e167646c9f

If you believe the war is real then I know someone with snake oil to sell you.

/v/news viewpost?postid=663e6f625e6c7


/v/Space viewpost?postid=663db5d1d30cf