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Member for: 1.2 years

scp: 216 (+332/-116)
ccp: 22 (+24/-2)
votes given: 392 (+356/-36)
score: 238


It was a one month old account. I only watched one video while signed into it and commented on it 2 weeks ago and the comment was "vote republican" i never sent or received emails and the video was a TheQuartering video about the FBI and DHS going after video gamers. They specifically wanted to talk to me about that harmless inoffensive comment. Along with the police and US marshals who also came to my house with them today. I am not making this up.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65fb513266202

Chris Wray and the FBI are niggerfaggotsniggerfaggotsniggerfaggotsniggerfaggots niggerfaggots niggerfaggots niggerfaggots niggerfaggots nigger faggots niggerfaggots nigger faggots niggerfaggots niggerfaggots niggerfaggots nigger faggots niggerfaggots niggerfaggots

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f5f813cf30d

The FSB said it foiled an imminent attack on a Synagogue in Moscow using fire arms according to Reuters. They must've found more plans for more attacks and had the embassies in Moscow put out the warning.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65eb06da54299

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C9Yv41OjGs 215 bodies identified of 672 bodies found buried behind Mississippi jail in Jackson. Everyone is saying the police killed them all. And it wasn't just blacks that were killed it was multi racial. Watch the movies Brubaker with Robert Redford and Mississippi Burning with Gene Hackman and William Defoe.

https://mississippitoday.org/2023/11/30/rankin-county-sheriff-goon-squad-got-away-with-years-of-brutality/ The 6 cops who nearly murdered those 2 black men back in August what was it? 2022 or 2023 in Mississippi were part of this same goon squad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfkdytlEbew

And look at this pos he claimed to murder like 13-14 while serving as a cop also from Mississippi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTAPwUN2OA

I know everyone here hates the FBI bi do too but in this case i think we need them to go to MS and take over the state because it's not just blacks it's everyone it's whites too. If i had my way i'd invoke the insurrection act and send in the military and arrest every single cop in MS and send them to military prison black sites. MS cops have gone rogue and if i really had my way i would send arms to all the people in MS and tell them do what you want to your cops in MS to protect yourselves from evil cops. The UN needs to get involved as well i think even though they can suck if i were them i would hold hearings and sanction the US at least or send investigators to other states and i think Interpol needs to get in on the action and investigate like the mayors and governors as well.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ea1c8a5121d

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C9Yv41OjGs 215 bodies identified of 672 bodies found buried behind Mississippi jail in Jackson. Everyone is saying the police killed them all. And it wasn't just blacks that were killed it was multi racial. Watch the movies Brubaker with Robert Redford and Mississippi Burning with Gene Hackman and William Defoe.

https://mississippitoday.org/2023/11/30/rankin-county-sheriff-goon-squad-got-away-with-years-of-brutality/ The 6 cops who nearly murdered those 2 black men back in August what was it? 2022 or 2023 in Mississippi were part of this same goon squad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfkdytlEbew

And look at this pos he claimed to murder like 13-14 while serving as a cop also from Mississippi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTAPwUN2OA

I know everyone here hates the FBI bi do too but in this case i think we need them to go to MS and take over the state because it's not just blacks it's everyone it's whites too. If i had my way i'd invoke the insurrection act and send in the military and arrest every single cop in MS and send them to military prison black sites. MS cops have gone rogue and if i really had my way i would send arms to all the people in MS and tell them do what you want to your cops in MS to protect yourselves from evil cops.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ea1c8a5121d

https://mississippitoday.org/2023/11/30/rankin-county-sheriff-goon-squad-got-away-with-years-of-brutality/ The 6 cops who nearly murdered those 2 black men back in August what was it? 2022 or 2023 in Mississippi were part of this same goon squad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfkdytlEbew

And look at this pos he claimed to murder like 13-14 while serving as a cop also from Mississippi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTAPwUN2OA

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ea1c8a5121d

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C9Yv41OjGs 215 bodies identified of 672 bodies found buried behind Mississippi jail in Jackson. Everyone is saying the police killed them all. And it wasn't just blacks that were killed it was multi racial. Watch the movies Brubaker with Robert Redford and Mississippi Burning with Gene Hackman and William Defoe.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ea1c8a5121d

Because no one uses other subs here they all are on whatever and i want as many eyes on it as possible.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ea10b4ce533

The same can be said of the Nintendo DS costing $129.99 and their games costing $39.99 and the Playstation Portable costing $299.99 and their games costing $39.99.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ea10b4ce533

Times person of the year 2024 will be Vivian James.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ea0bcb09519

Oh and games journalists have started writing hit pieces against gamer's.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e9e41ed4732

There is no QRD. it's complex but i'm going to fill you in anyway. Sweet Baby Inc is basically Silverstring Media Group but rebranded. SBI is filled with og anti GamerGate SJW who consult on video games to make them woke. Someone made a SBI detected curator on Steam that let people know what games they've worked on. Employees of SBI then harassed and incited a harassment campaign against the SBID creator who is Brazilian. One of the employees got banned from X. Anons started digging and found all the usual suspects like Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, John McIntosh, and one we overlooked named Maya Felix Kramer and Brianna Wu who all worked for Silverstring Media Group and were responsible for the og GamerGate and pushing wokeness and were involved in incestuous connections and nepotism and in ZQ's case sex for favors with 5 video games journalists including FTM transvestite MFK. We also found links to DiGRA and DARPA. Then we found old tweets from the CEO of SBI that show she was encouraging employees to threaten and harass employees of video game companies to make games woke. Now it's all blowing up on YouTube and X formery Twitter and reddit in the kotakuinaction subs and 4chan to an extent. We also found links to the Canadian government.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e9e41ed4732

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=optm75fWTW0 Sweet Baby Inc was fund directly by the Ontario government and funds from Alec Holowka's sister who stole all his money after he was deceased. And this is why Zoe Quinn needs to be charged with first degree murder.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e9e41ed4732

Same thing Jessie Jackson did with his Rainbow Coalition. They would contact major corporations and ask them for money so that they would not get blasted in the media about being racist or whatever. It's the equivalent of a bunch of guys walking into your store and asking for protection money so that they won't bust up your store. Extortion racket.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e9db7ec56d4

I wonder if CAIR and Saudi Arabia are involved as well. Saudi Arabia probably has invested in US gun makers and every time they do an arms deal which could also include other weapons they profit double do to insider knowledge and what they're invested in on the NYSE. No wonder why they launched a war in Yemen against the Houthis

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e8cec6dfe41

There are other game consultant studios that do the same thing as Sweet Baby Inc that're flying under the radar. Ones i can remember are Baby Dragon, Baby Ghosts, Weird Ghosts, Black Gamer Girls, GaymerX, Infinite Ammo, Cosmo Galaxy, Hit Detection, Silverstring Media Group, Anita Sarkeesian Consulting.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=65e87a4a289da

Clarify. Are you talking about putting me in a camp or the Jew pedo Canadian feminist SJWs who work at Sweet Baby Inc?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e84cf44d9ed

Sweet Baby Inc are feminist SJW pedophiles.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e84cf44d9ed

Wait until you see their logo. It's a baby with a lolipop up it's ass and the pedo boy lovers swirl. These SJWs are pedos and give real gamer's a bad name. Real gamer's are not pedophiles. Feminist SJWs are the pedophiles.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e84cf44d9ed

I'll burn the Israeli flag, or other flags including LGBTQP, British, Nigger or i mean Niger, American, thin blue line, thin red line for firefighters, thin green line for doctors, FBI/DOJ, Canadian, Chinese, Russian, i don't care it's not my right as an American, it's my right as a human and no cop or fed or neighbor can do shit about it.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65e820170a587

LOL in all honesty these laws about hate speech in Canada are probably being put into place because the government of Canada is starting to be exposed in GamerGate2 BabyGate Boogaloo. Go to Kotakuinaction on reddit for more on the emerging controversy. And now there could be another potential sex scandal with Zoe Quinn. Maya Felix Kramer started as a girl but became a guy and had sex with Zoe Quinn possibly for some sort of favor or influence. MFK works at Sweet Baby Inc and Zoe Quinn, John McIntosh, Anita Sarkeesian, and Silver String Media are all connected to SBI.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=65e7fbe38304e

Hehehehohohohahaha honk honk honklers strikes back with her clown car vip seating on the balloon dildo animal ride the roaler fucking toaster to prolapse and bankruptcy hehehe ho ho ho ha ha ha.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ba898beefc1


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ba898beefc1

VPN is not an option for me nor is changing my IP address so some goat here is going to have to post these videos to reddit for me. It's the only way to red pill the normies and enact change.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ba3434667b7
upgoat.net 2024