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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 3501 (+3608/-107)
ccp: 4118 (+4220/-102)
votes given: 33997 (+32096/-1901)
score: 7619


Owner of:
lymedisease, AI_art, Energy_Independence, NPC_reprogramming, WhiteMinds, Kikewatching,
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They want to believe. They need a solid kick in the balls daily to wake up.

/v/Trump viewpost?postid=665923e4c20f5

We'll have to install some cultural updates when we remove the kikery this time. I appreciate our empathic tendencies, and I think it's a source of great strength in the right environment and when it doesn't overrule logical thinking; we just need to counteract the vulnerabilities it tends to generate.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6650bab4d7e38

With how many niggers there were onboard, I'm surprised they only ended up arresting one.

/v/Monkeyshines viewpost?postid=664d329de3ebd

And when they really want to nab someone, they triple their exit node count for a few hours. It's wild, and I've seen it happen.

/v/AI viewpost?postid=664c6b6c1d608

"Ever1 in histry wuz black, unless dey did sum wrong! We wuz just hit wit da Whitey weapon ta mak us dumb. We waz smart!"

The only place that these things belong in White countries is a zoo, and maybe some museum exhibits.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6644b759cab80

Eh, well, stick around, and try not to be a faggot. If you're open minded, you can absorb some good information here. I wish there were secret death camps.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6643c3ed838c1

Poor jews, being attacked and abused for no reason at all. Part of the problem with jews is that they imagine things and warp their stories. They aren't even always aware of it themselves. They believe their own lies to a large degree. It's an entire race of high functioning niggers with borderline personality disorder + mild schizophrenia.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6643c3ed838c1

This, the job attracts a specific breed of slimy imbeciles. It's the kind of creature that plops out at the end of the kike indoctrination pipeline.

/v/Glowniggers viewpost?postid=6643b01343338

I'm so happy that we're coming up on a time where people like you will largely disappear.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6643c3ed838c1

I've spoken to a few niggers about consciousness briefly, and the idea of controlling their mind usually has never occurred to them at all throughout their entire life until I brought up the idea with them. And they were in the top 2-3% of niggers. They really are just vaguely humanoid looking animals.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=664350efaf1f9

There are a lot of niggers that think logic is evil.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=663e511b5b134

We should encourage nigger lovers and kike lovers to go to the most diverse doctors they can find to fight the racisms.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=663935549fc10

This sort of thing reminds me of the early - mid 2000's internet. Fun times.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6636913fd13b6

I prefer this one; this is a fascinating way to short circuit the NPCs

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=662e553b13519

Someone's gotta do it. Thank you for calling them out as disingenuous fucking niggers.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=662944d10e36a

About 80%-90%ish of the flattard community does not have the mental capacity to be effectively convinced that their idea is retarded, and it'll be hell and a half getting through to most of the 10-20% for whom that's possible. The cult is designed to expel people that aren't useful to the operation rather quickly and to distill a community of useful retards to then infect various forums with and carry out a brain drain, reducing said forum's effectiveness in propagating useful information and preventing it from forming any real, effective pushback against kikery.

I appreciate these posts here and there though; it's good to measure how present their psyop is here and there in a place like this.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=662944d10e36a

This, we're shifting their golem away from their control and into our control. It might take some patchwork programming to make it happen, but it's already happening.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

She should be placed in the middle for the best view

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66284b6006fb8

I drove a 2020 Camry SE rental for a little while, and the amount of tech in these new piles of crap is nuts. There's a motor attached to the steering wheel that will jerk the wheel around if it thinks you're leaving your lane. I don't trust anything with a computer that can potentially steer me into oncoming traffic if I piss off a jew somewhere. Preferably, I'd like a car that automatically deploys a drone to said pissed off jew to remove them from existence.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=6626109b414df

Being a kike should be considered a war crime

/v/War viewpost?postid=662562a994f4a

They generally allow people to talk about jews, or so I've heard. So, naturally, the kikes want to control it. I don't like tiktok either; that's just the reason this is happening.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66246a43bfd45

Charity is a great business for amoral parasites

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66245117369ec

I second this. I must see this beautiful sight.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66240ad007909