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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 4249 (+7738/-3489)
ccp: 6806 (+13326/-6520)
votes given: 360 (+354/-6)
score: 11055


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TheGoyimNose, PaganFarmRemembers, EveOnline,
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I'd love to, but Christ-Cucks protect the Jews.
So, we have to destroy Christianity first, because the Christ-Cucks keep jumping in front of the bullets we fire at the Jews.

Don't blame me, blame the Christ-Cucks.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=665c6fc48a5f5

Don't complain to me.
I'm not the Christ-Cuck who admitted he is a slave to a GloboHomo Jew-God.

>Christianity ushered in the end of human and child sacrifice and was a great good for the human race.
Dumb Christ-Cuck.
There's nothing wrong with aborting Nigglets.

>Children were routinely sacificed in the valley of gehenna.



The purpose of Christianity is to protect Jews.
Go fuck yourself, race traitor.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=665c91ce67a40

Well, the dumb Kike wasn't Germanic.
So, fuck him.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=665c91ce67a40

I answered all your questions with two sentences.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=665c919c33067

Jesus was a Jew, retard.
Everything Jesus did was inherently Jewish.

Jews hate themselves and fellow Jews foremost, because they can never escape themselves.
That's why the Jews killed Jesus.
Jesus reminded the Jews of their own degenerate selves.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=665c91ce67a40

>Simply, to be a Christian means to be beholden to jews in some important sense.
You are willingly enslaving yourself to a Jewish Messiah for all eternity.
And you are willing to sell out the future of your own people to do it.

/v/Christcucks viewpost?postid=665c919c33067

>This is good to do why?
Tell you what.
Kill yourself and leave no decendants.
That is an option.
I don't give a fuck if you are a genetic dead end.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

>Did the white race do good things because the white race is good?
There's a reason Whites are successful and Non-Whites everywhere are not.
Whites are superior at a fundamental genetic level.
Everything we are able to do is a consequence of our genetics.
This was true before the Jew-Christ was even born in a land foreign to all Whites.

>there is no intrinsic goodness in the property of race.
Yes there is.
We are talking about our genes.
Our biological imperative is to broadcast our genes as far into the future as possible.
Whereas, the people most closely related to us share copies of our genes. Our race is a redundancy to achieve the purpose of propagating our genes.
We protect our people because they are LITERALLY us.

You can't get there from Christianity.
Your morality isn't even a morality, because it doesn't exist to protect you.
Your morality protects your master.
It's just a demand from the Jew who enslaves you.

If you can't understand this, then you are not eligible to live in an ethnostate.
Go live with the GloboHomos.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

>Nobody has ever made race into a god.
Maybe it's time we did.
Stop making excuses.
Be the hero you are waiting for.

Heil Odin! o/

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

The gates of (((Heaven))) are guarded by (((Saint Peter))), a literal (((Jew))).
In fact (((Saint Peter))) was the VERY JEW that insisted that Gentile (non-jew) converts to Christianity MUST conform to Jewish mitzvahs.

You should know this, but Christ-Cucks have never read the Bible, so you don't actually know what you believe.

The only reasonable response is to reject (((God))) at the gates of (((Heaven))).

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

If a White man curb stomps a Baby Jew in the presence of a Christian, will the Christian applaud the action?
or will the Christian expect the government to protect the Baby Jew and imprison the White man?

White Nationalist Pagans will protect the White man.

Christians will protect the Jew.

And you will make excuses and redirect the conversation so you can avoid the question.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

Christians already don't take the Bible literally.
None of them have ever even read it.
Christianity has nothing to do with what is in the bible in practice.
It's 100% whatever the dumb Christ-Cuck was brainwashed into believing + whatever inconsistent lies they need to tell themselves to ward off Cognative Dissonance.

They will never change until they are forced to confront Cognative Dissonance.
That requires treating them as hostiles and cutting them off from the support group that enables them.

Dear Christ-Cucks,
If you want to worship a Jew, you must seek support from Jews.
Whites are no longer available to you.
Come back when you want to be White.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

@conspirologist is too busy shitting in the street to answer this question.

Thank you, come again!

/v/Askconspirologist viewpost?postid=665c706b324da

Christianity needs to die.
Instead of murdering Nigglets, Christ-Cucks adopt them.

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=665c6fc48a5f5

They fear being noticed and called what they are more than anything else.


What do you think would happen if you simply called this woman "a Jew"?

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=665bb40bda96e

Here's the Christ-Cuck using the crusades as an example of Whites destroying a foreign threat to White Nations.
While at the same time lacking the ability to recognize that Christianity is also a foreign threat to White Nations.

Christ-Cucks have no self awareness.
If you want to drive Islam out of Europe, fine, but don't act as if Christianity isn't the same thing.

White Nationalist Pagans simply are applying the same standard to Christianity as we do Islam.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

It's impossible to "Aryanise" Christianity.
First off, the Aryans aren't just another word for "Whites", or "Indo-European" like the retards want to believe.
They are specifically Indo-Iranian.

But even if what you really mean is to "Germanify" Christianity, you somehow have to explain what a German is doing in Ur before the Bronze Age Collapse.

You get the same continuity errors Christians fall into and you have to explain it away with traitorous propaganda.
"Jews from a hair North of the Tropic of Cancer are the real Whites. And the Germans from Northern Europe are fake Whites."

Then you run into problems fundamental to Christianity that are just incompatible with White Nature.
For instance, Christianity is a slave religion because it was created by Jews who evolved to be natural slaves through thousands of years of slavery.
It can only ever restrict Whites.

Whites need a Master Morality that complements the trajectory of the White race and our purpose which is to create a future race of Ubermensch.
The Ubermensch and Christ are polar opposite.
You can't at the same time be subserviant to Christ AND create the means of Christ's destruction.

No, you can't Germanify Christianity.
You can only throw it in the oven with the Jews.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

I don't think we will save Whites by worshipping Odin.
Whites don't need a Messiah figure.
We just need to get our priorities straight.

You start by forsaking your Jew-Christ.
Then you declare White Blood and White Soil your highest power.
Then you realize the White Gods are flags we salute to pledge alliegence to our own people.

Our purpose is to create a future race of Ubermensch and replace the Gods when they are destroyed at Ragnarok.

Heil Odin! o/

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

How's that working out?

It's time to remember our White Pagan War Deities.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

It's not so much that I'm spot on with this stuff.
It's obvious to anyone who has bothered to know what Christianity is.

The problem is that Christ-Cucks have no ability to self reflect. So, they don't know what they believe.
They've never read the Bible.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

ProTip: The more a Christ-Cuck obsesses about the homofags, the more likely he is to get caught snorting cocaine off a rent-boy's ass in a cheap motel.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=665b927c9f713

You should teach Christ-Cope 101.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6659e0c9ae416

You understand that the Germanic Gods predate Christianity, right?

/v/Christianity viewpost?postid=665b58217bb02

>Not pro-jewish

>Christ is King.

Christ-Cucks are not self-aware.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e

Everyone is in a cult.
Most people belong to several cults.
Beware the fool who thinks he belongs to none.

/v/christfollowers viewpost?postid=665b66229cb7e