>Isn't it weird how Trump is supposedly simultaneously a Nazi but dems gotta vote dem because they're the party of Iran?
This is the most interesting part about politics rn. Left has to tie themselves in knots to justify isreal because any criticism proves Hitler right. Btw nazi pretty much means any non-selfhating White person now. Not tied to Germany at all
ModernGuilt 1 point 1 hour ago
I think Anglin coined an apt term, "gimmick terrorism"
/v/Israel viewpost?postid=670710de143b5
ModernGuilt 1 point 3 hours ago
I can't believe I forgot about that
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6706b85985b83
ModernGuilt 2 points 6 hours ago
(((YouTube))). Whatever keeps the goys occupied
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6706b85985b83
ModernGuilt 5 points 7 hours ago
Strap a dildo to it and have it rammed up his ass
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6706b85985b83
ModernGuilt 6 points 7 hours ago
Where's the concrete trucks?
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6706b85985b83
ModernGuilt 0 points 10 hours ago
Lol what cope
/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=67065e4066e15
ModernGuilt 0 points 11 hours ago
Bunch of jew speak that the atf kinda has a case
/v/UpliftingNews viewpost?postid=6705d43237896
ModernGuilt 0 points 12 hours ago
Looks like an old woman
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=67061568c48db
ModernGuilt 2 points 22 hours ago
That's not some rando humorous workbench guy, **ITS AVE!!!**
Keep your dick in a vice
/v/videos viewpost?postid=6705f34c49e1a
ModernGuilt 2 points 1 day ago
Fireworks are fun
/v/news viewpost?postid=67047693ea5fa
ModernGuilt 2 points 2 days ago
Come on! You know they can't control themselves like White people
/v/funny viewpost?postid=670390ed2c7f0
ModernGuilt 0 points 2 days ago
Godspeed bro
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6702b87c8bdb2
ModernGuilt 4 points 3 days ago
It's a spectacle indeed
/v/random viewpost?postid=6702cbb3b83cf
ModernGuilt 15 points 3 days ago
The most dangerous thing you can do is name them
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6702b87c8bdb2
ModernGuilt 7 points 3 days ago
Probably a skit, but it's true somewhere
/v/EasyLikeSundayMorning viewpost?postid=6702b70db8f11
ModernGuilt 2 points 3 days ago
Hell of a pivot huh?
/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=67022a0680b96
ModernGuilt 2 points 4 days ago
>Isn't it weird how Trump is supposedly simultaneously a Nazi but dems gotta vote dem because they're the party of Iran?
This is the most interesting part about politics rn. Left has to tie themselves in knots to justify isreal because any criticism proves Hitler right. Btw nazi pretty much means any non-selfhating White person now. Not tied to Germany at all
/v/politics viewpost?postid=6701b36766f75
ModernGuilt 4 points 4 days ago
Living in the city is so wonderful
/v/funny viewpost?postid=6701cc5764295
ModernGuilt 2 points 4 days ago
At worst it's a grift, but it normalizes it I guess
/v/SmedleysPhotography viewpost?postid=67012a9c95dfa
ModernGuilt 1 point 4 days ago
Whatever keeps them occupied
/v/Jews viewpost?postid=670145f8c4ed3
ModernGuilt 1 point 4 days ago
You should rip them off every chance you get before they send their money to kamala or an Indian phone scam
/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=670133bb21391
ModernGuilt 0 points 4 days ago
This linguistic nonsense appeals to nobody. It's all horseshit facade for the only issue that matters at all: women killing their kids
/v/politics viewpost?postid=6700310e00c1d
ModernGuilt 1 point 4 days ago
Those houses are prob $600k
/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=67005d02d0551
ModernGuilt 0 points 5 days ago
Was going to say... Why were they even there?
/v/news viewpost?postid=66ffd336e614d
ModernGuilt 2 points 5 days ago
Was he asleep during East Palestine toxic train derailment/fire?
/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=66ff6c7eea7e8