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All drug ads on TV should be banned     (whatever)

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 3 days ago


That should balance the scales a bit.
Walmart celebrates Faggots     (nypost.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 6 days ago


They need to be Targeted...
Germany votes to de-criminalize Child Porn     (www.zerohedge.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 1 week ago


Sick degenerate monsters.
MAGA Republicans led to the Covid deaths of countless pets     (whatever)

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 2 weeks ago


The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for many individuals and families around the world. Lives have been lost, economies have been disrupted, and the mental health of many has been severely impacted. But amidst all the chaos and confusion, one group of individuals that has been severely affected is often overlooked - our beloved pets.

According to recent studies, COVID-19 disproportionately affected the lives of bisexual and trans-identifying cats, dogs, and other animals. These animals, who rely on their owners for care and protection, were left vulnerable and exposed to the deadly virus. But what made the situation even more dire was the fact that Republican anti-science rhetoric and disinformation worsened the plight of these animals.

MAGA Republicans, in their denial of science and refusal to follow public health guidelines, not only put themselves at risk but also their pets. By ignoring the advice of experts and spreading misinformation about the virus, they led to the death and ill-health of millions of pets during the pandemic. Pets, who are innocent and defenseless, paid the price for the ignorance and selfishness of those who refused to take the necessary precautions.

The death and mistreatment of our most vulnerable population - gay and trans-identifying pets - is a tragedy that cannot be overlooked. These animals bring joy and companionship to millions of people around the world, and they deserve to be treated with respect and care. It is time for MAGA Republicans to be held accountable for their actions and the harm they have caused to our furry friends.

We must demand better from our leaders and politicians. We must hold those responsible for the suffering of our pets accountable for their actions. It is time to prioritize the well-being and safety of all animals, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. We owe it to our pets to ensure that they are protected and cared for, especially during times of crisis.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of our pets and the importance of taking science-based measures to protect them. Republican anti-science rhetoric and misinformation have led to the death and ill-health of many pets, and those responsible must be held accountable. It is time to stand up for our furry friends and ensure that they are treated with the love and care they deserve - regardless of their sexual identity.
Boeing Whistleblower suffered from Acute Knowledge of Inside Behavior at Boeing...     (www.thegatewaypundit.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 2 weeks ago


a common cause of death for Boeing whistleblowers with gunshots to the head.
Apples     (zafeiriou.gr)

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 2 weeks ago


Jeff Bozos' Totally Real Amazon.com basement office     (truthpuke.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 3 weeks ago


Jeff Bozos' grandpa helped start ARPA, which became DARPA. Ie, DARPANet which became, you know, the internet.

But Jeff was a totally real computer nerd who started Amazon.com in his basement! Look at this real, not staged picture! It has a graffiti-style sign, like real hackers! He has Hollywood-movie style overstuffed Christmastree-light extension cords! Just look at all those power cords!

Jeff is just like us. A hardworking guy whose grandpa worked for the Atomic Energy Commission, then headed a 26,000 person government agency, and then started the internet. Totally legit guys!
Mike Johnson is a criminal traitor to the United States     (whatever)

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 1 month ago


Mike Johnson has betrayed the very concept of what it is to have a democratically elected representative. He needs to be held to account.
House of Representatives pass bill saying Gospel of Jesus Christ and Bible are anti-semetic     (www.rt.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 1 month ago


House directly refutes Bible.
Just another day in 2024; Man murders and eats stranger's face     (thesmokinggun.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 1 month ago


We have the meats! Victim had an injury to the back of his head and "was also missing his left eye and left ear."
How Trump's MAGA white nationalists are using Climate Change to roll-back LatinX Holocaust survivors' Constitutional right to gender affirming care     (whatever)

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 1 month ago


As Trump's supporters continue to push their anti-immigrant agenda, white nationalists within the MAGA movement are now taking aim at a new target - LatinX Holocaust survivors seeking gender affirming care. Using the issue of climate change as a smokescreen, these extremists are attempting to roll back the constitutional rights of some of the most vulnerable members of our society.

Climate change has become a hot-button issue in recent years, with scientists warning of the catastrophic effects of unchecked global warming. However, Trump and his allies have sought to downplay the severity of the crisis, offering false solutions and spreading misinformation to advance their own agendas.

One such agenda is the targeting of LatinX Holocaust survivors who are seeking gender affirming care. These individuals, who have already endured unimaginable trauma and persecution, are now facing further discrimination and denial of their basic human rights.

Trump's cadre of insurrectionalists and his white nationalist allies have seized on the issue of climate change as a way to justify their attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, particularly transgender individuals. By framing gender affirming care as a luxury that must be sacrificed in the name of environmental conservation, they are seeking to erode the hard-fought gains made in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.

But make no mistake - this is not about saving the planet. This is about using the fear and uncertainty surrounding climate change to advance a hateful and discriminatory agenda. LatinX Holocaust survivors have the right to access gender affirming care, just like anyone else. Denying them this right is a violation of their human rights and a betrayal of our values as a nation.

We must stand up to these attacks and resist the efforts of Trump's MAGA white nationalists to roll back the rights of our most vulnerable communities. We cannot allow them to use the issue of climate change as a weapon to further their hateful agenda. LatinX Holocaust survivors deserve our support and solidarity, not discrimination and denial of their basic rights. We must stand together to ensure that all people, regardless of their background or identity, are able to access the care and support they need to live authentic and fulfilling lives.
Honda Prologue is the gayest car name of 2024     (automobiles.honda.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to cars 1 month ago


Everything about that car is gay. It should be called the Honda Fagmobile. Because driving it will make you gay.
Climate Change to blot out Sun for the first time ever...     (news)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 1 month ago


Carbon footprint of sun too much for solar system to bear.
Are Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to blame for SKYROCKETING chocolate prices?     (www.zerohedge.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 2 months ago


Why do cows have hooves and not feet?     (Jokes)

submitted by Sheitstrom to Jokes 2 months ago


They lactose.
Israel SNL sketch idea     (humor)

submitted by Sheitstrom to humor 2 months ago


Brave IDF soldiers search the rubble of a collapsed building. One mutters, "He's got to be here somewhere".

The soldiers are desperately looking for something. One man searches under the rubble and says, "I hear crying!". The soldiers madly dig and find a baby, still alive even after all this horror. The baby coughs from the dirt and debris covering him.

"Goyim with a gun!" an IDF soldier shouts as they all unload their weapons into the enemy. "CLEAR!" one finally says.

"We found him. Another Hamas leader neutralized".
New Republican Ad Idea     (news)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 2 months ago


Just do a super-cut montage of every democrat politician saying the word "ukraine". Then at the end of the ad, ask the viewer what word was missing? The answer: "you".
The Elites want a War     (www.rt.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 2 months ago


The first comment on the article, from "Larry Layton" says it clearly:

The. West really wants a world war . They think that is how they will get global control and global currency . But nobody really wants that except the elites

The elites thrive on chaos. Give them a a war, a coup, an uprising - anywhere they can suspend the rules and impose authoritarian "order", and they come alive. That's what they want - they're just itching for someone to fire the first shot. They dream of a half destroyed planet, where they will swoop in like saviors, transforming the world into a totalitarian hellscape (their dream utopia) in the process.
It's copy-protection not copyright protection     (whatever)

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 3 months ago


Original creative works automatically have copyright protection.

Copy protection on the other hand is something completely different. It stops people from easily backing up their content using technical means.
Imagine by John Lennon shower lyrics     (music)

submitted by Sheitstrom to music 3 months ago


You may say I'm a dirty commie,
You're not the only one
Hey isn't that guy Marc Chapman,
I think he has a gun...
Porn star takes it to the face one last time     (nypost.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 3 months ago


36-year old porn star finally realizes there is no life in porn.
Introducing Uber Coffee     (news)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 3 months ago


Upgrade your morning routine with Uber Coffee - the ultimate convenience for coffee lovers!

Tired of the slow drip-drip drip of an old-fashioned Keurig? Frustrated with plastic coffee pods that slip right out of your hands?

Say goodbye to the hassle of brewing with a complicated machine and say hello to delicious, hot coffee delivered right to your door. Try Uber Coffee today and start your day off right!
I wrote a song about a tortillia...     (Jokes)

submitted by Sheitstrom to Jokes 3 months ago


But it's more of a wrap.
Fat Cunt to bring more death, destruction, cookies...     (www.rt.com)

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 4 months ago


Fat greasy cunt gets hot and bothered at the idea of more Ukrainian and Russians dying...and the money she'll make. Cha-ching!
Matt Jukes gives me the creeps     (mf.b37mrtl.ru)

submitted by Sheitstrom to whatever 4 months ago


Head of counter terror in UK and has cold and creepy dead eyes. Like he's into some fucked up sex shit we can't even fathom.

But it could just be that he's British.