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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 51 (+51/-0)
ccp: 42 (+42/-0)
votes given: 137 (+102/-35)
score: 93


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Sailing, Bigdabzprepchannel,
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Friendly reminder, the less Americans know Ukraine's location, the more they want U.S. intervention      (www.washingtonpost.com)

submitted by bigdabz to whatever 2.3 years ago


I'm actually surprised this is still live.
29 year old healthy ex girlfriend had a heart attack     (whatever)

submitted by bigdabz to whatever 2.4 years ago


She broke up with me in part because I'm a doomer of sorts. While together she agreed to not get vaxxed. After break up she got at least one shot. The last thing I told her was I hope the donut and pats on the back are worth the heart complications and thanked her for making it easy to move on after posting her vaccine card online. She was among the first to line up for vaccination, by now she could have been double vaxxed and boosted for all I know. Fuck this world.